As the Blender community continues to grow by leaps and bounds, there can never be enough tutorials that cover the basics. Apollos has started a tutorial series on Blender basics that has high production qualities and looks very promising.
Apollos writes:
Hey I just posted my first video tutorial. It's a beginner's tutorial, and I plan on continuing the series.
It was recorded with Camstudio 2.0, edited with Premier Pro, overlays and transitions were added using After Effects, and it was converted to XviD with VirtualDub.
I'm hoping for any feedback that would help guide the next videos in the series.
Here's an outline of what's covered in the tutorial:
Part 1:
- The Startup Scene
- Preferences
- Saving Settings
- The Interface
- Navigating the 3D View
- Layers
- Manipulating Objects
- 3D Transform Manipulators
- The Object Origin Point
- Pivot Modes
- Viewport Shading
Here's the link to the tutorial post.
Be sure to bookmark this promising tutorial website: Blender Underground
This video is over an hour!!!
I haven't watched it yet (downloading...), but it looks like an awesome resource. I'll recommend it to everyone who wants to get into Blender.
Thanks a lot, Apollos, for making it, and Kernon for sharing.
OK. I learned nothing new. I knew I wouldn't. It's Blender Basics. But, y'know what? That's the best blender tutorial video I've ever seen. It shows the basics very clearly, concisely and thoroughly. A very difficult trick to pull off. It never goes off track. There's no unnecessary mouse movement, information or waffle. No erming or aaahing.
I recommend this tutorial to ANYONE who is new to blender. It is invaluable.
I just watched it and it is really well done. The script is logical, clear and concise. I am always looking for good educational material as I try to get others to use Blender, and didn't expect to learn much that I did not know in a "Basics" video. I learned a lot of new things. The hour flew by and I will watch it several more times I am sure to absorb it all.
Thanks and I can hardley wait for Part 2! Keep up the great work.
I haven't watched the video yet, but I have to wonder why not use Blender instead of Premier Pro and After Effects?
I thought the video sequencer was pretty good- especially with composite nodes and render layers.
Is it a problem that he didn't use the sequencer in Blender? It surely doesn't matter, does it? He has obviously used software he is comfortable with and done a great job at that.
The blender video sequencer is up to the job of producing professional quality video. It is not, however, compulsory to use it.
This is very nice, overlays are the big thing that is missing in most video tutorials I like them fast but follow-able. Why not consider using something like VUZE to distribute as these files are big !
I did live overlays for a tutorial once but keycatsr for the mac has the num keys all wrong and it become a nightmare I was hoping it would get fixed but not yet. Anyone know of another mac app as cool ?
No, it's not a problem and it doesn't matter.
I was just wondering, mainly because I was thinking "Wow, that's around two thousand dollars to do something I think Blender can do for free!"
If the answer is "Apollos already has Premier Pro and After Effects and can make the video easily and quickly with them, whereas he'd have to spend a lot of time figuring out how to use Blender." That is a reasonable answer.
Please don't take my comment negatively Apollos. I will check out your video when I get home from work, but even before I see it- Thanks for taking the time and effort to create it.
I appreciate all the work that is done to promote Blender and make it easier for people to learn and use.
Thanks much for all the feedback. It really makes the effort worth while to hear that you all find value in it. Your comments are very kind and encouraging.
@j0llyr0ger: no offense taken, yours is a valid question. DaveC is correct, I have used the software and am very comfortable with it (not to mention I own the package, so I am compelled to get my $1500 out of it =D). I hope to learn Blender's video sequencer eventually, and it will be interesting to see if I can replace Premier Pro, which makes the job of editing video and audio together quite pleasant.
It took me a surprising amount of time to produce 1 hour of tutorial, from script to upload; and using software I already have proficiency with saved some time and allowed me to bump the quality a little.
Thanks again for the feedback. And thanks Kernon for this post. My traffic went from 1GB for the whole month of July, to 30GB of traffic for just this morning; so if you experience slow downloads, be patient while the Blender Nation deluge subsides a little ;-) and look for Part 2 sometime this week. I'm adding keyboard callout overlays and such starting today. When that's done I'll convert and upload.
Thanks for this great tutorial.
For me as a beginner this helps a lot to understand the Blender interface.
With a video tutorial you see how something is done, it's much easier to understand.
To me it's important that i can clearly see the Blender interface in a video tutorial.
In this professional presented tutorial the quality of graphics and sound is chrystal clear.
Well done.
Thanks a lot!
That's what I've been searching all the time - it's complete, all and everything, that's the way I like to learn.
Maybe you keep up that good work with more than two parts!
Very well done.
PS: And it's a blender video tutorial without a kid's voice!!
There are things in this tute that I never knew. Um... Gee, thanks for teaching me how to use Blender. I feel kind of stupid now because this was just so good.
TEH AWSUM!!!11 >.
Well done, clear style and well thought and good conception. The only thing I want to criticise - you forgot to mention CTRL-1,3,7
He didn't forget. It's in there. You must have just missed it. Which means no criticism! :o
Make that Ctrl-Numpad1, Ctrl-Numpad3, Ctrl-Numpad7
Ctrl-1 will add a Level 1 Subsurf Modifier to a selected object(s).
Great tutorial indeed. I had watched other tutorials before, but Blender never catched on with me. I'm looking forward to the sequels. While very useful, this first edition doesn't really show me how to *do* anything. Once we start making stuff in Blender, there will be no limits!
I also really like the fact that the technical aspects are well done: voice, sound, image, etc...
Los invito a mi sitio
[Ingles] This site pretend to be a reference to the graphic designer who are working with Blender. The visitors will find things like tutorials, tips, resources and much more.
[Español] El sitio pretende ser una referencia para el diseñadore grafico que trabaja con Blender. Los visitantes encontrarán cosas como tutoriales, consejos, recursos y mucho mas.
Yeah i have all three parts. Cant wait for the next installment. \^_^/
Thanks, Kernon.
Link is broken to the tutorial was curious if it is still available, i have some basic understanding very basic of editing through adobe and vegas and what not. Never really used blender and am a very hands on learner. im seeking tutorials like does for adobe where they download the vid tutorial and all the assosiated files needs to replicate and follow along with the tutorial. It just works better for me on muscle memory (military) I cant read something as complex as open source editing and 3d modeling its just to indepth to read. Thanks in advance
A good alternative is the Blender Basics series by CG Cookie: