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Blender Class in Kansas City, Missouri, USA - July 18 and 19


umkc_logo.gifMike Smick wrote to us regarding a Blender class he'll be teaching.

Nothing big, but I'm teaching a 2 part 3 hour (6 hr total) Blender class in Kansas City on July 18 and July 19. It's through a community class summer program of University of Missouri Kansas City. It's called "Introduction to 3D graphics using Blender."

It's short, just 3 evening hours for 2 days. But I have lofty goals for the students. They will make and animate something. Plus I'll be giving a resources CD away with Blender, Elephant's dream, some models that we'll use in class, other animations.

This community class system is called the "communiversity"

My class is located on this PDF course page, page 18 of the pdf doc or search for 3D.

Quote from the PDF document above:

#2502 A
Introduction to 3D Graphics Using Blender
Are you an artist, designer, or graphics enthusiast wanting to explore 3D? Learn how to make 3D objects in using the excellent free Blender software. We will cover the interface, modeling, basic lighting and animation. It's going to be a tight 3 hours! You will be able to render out still images and short video clip animations of your models. 3D is challenging, so we will also provide CD learning resources for your ongoing education. This is an intro class for Blender only. Mike has been a Blender 3D modeler since 2002 and has used it to produce images and animations for many design and video projects. He is a content designer at Rise Vision and freelancer. Mike's other softwares of choice are Photoshop, Indesign, Xara, Inkscape and Flash.
Instructor's website:
CONVENER: Michael Smick
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
CLASS FEE: $14 + $6 material fee = $20
Sec. A: 2 sessions; Wednesday and Thursday, July 18 and 19;
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM; Location to be announced; LIMIT: 8

Mike continues:

I'm a freelance designer and author of Special Edition Adobe Creative Suite 2, and I've trained Adobe software and page layout at previous jobs. I don't get paid for teaching this class. I don't claim to be a great 3D modeler, but I think based on teaching experience and working with Blender that it should be a fun 6 hours. The class is only about 15 bucks and that money goes to the Community organizer for fees (finding rooms etc) or my Blank CD media fees and material print outs. AFAIK open to anyone including younger folks.

My goal with doing it, was forcing myself to learn even more about Blender, force myself to model a few more things to use as fun examples (like a toothbrush and tube of toothpaste, or an airplane with propeller. And also to get people interested in Blender. I've taught an open source software class for them 2 years ago, it was kind of fun.

Read more about Mike Smick on his website:

About the Author

Mathias Pedersen

Read more about Mathias Pedersen (The M.h.p.e.) at


  1. W0000t!!!

    Nothing every happens out here in the middle of the USA! Kansas City! That's like, two hours from me! I can't believe it. I am so going to this class... Hooray!

  2. Nothing big? I about fell out of my chair when I read this post.

    I'm already signed up, and ready to go!

    I'm a relative newbie... but I've been working through the tutorials... by then I'm pretty sure I'll be able to hold my own, as long as we don't expect to publish a full-length feature film at the end of the two days. ;)

    At a minimum, I think just meeeting with others and sharing in some of the excitement will be very valuable. Thanks for the class!

  3. All these many years I've wished for a Blender class in my neck of the woods, and finally when it comes, I have commitments on that day. You are a cruel, cruel man Mike. Good luck with it though. I hope this sets a trend. Man, just 15 bucks even.

  4. Tofysedeth,

    We might be able to establish some other events in the area, if there is enough interest.

    Nothing prevents people from getting together at another time and sharing some of the same topics from this class.

    Seems there are tons of tutorials on the web, but sometimes it is nice to talk with another human about challenges and ideas.

    One challenge of getting together to learn would be either we would have to bring laptops or find some kind of computing lab where we could use Blender.


  5. There's other people who use blender in this oversized cow-town? I did some work at Bazillion Pictures about a year back. They are a 3dsmax shop, and seemed to think I was a bit odd whenever I would used blender for things it does better than max. (like UV unwrapping)

  6. I've been wanting stuff like this in my neck of the woods it seems like forever. I really would like to find and meet other Blenderheads in the Kansas City area. I am in a small town just west of there, But I think I will be out of town during those dates.

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