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Organic Modeling Techniques.


hand logicThe challenge of organic modeling is not for the faint of heart. Terms like edge loop, quads, stars, n-gons, topology, etc. are used casually and many new modelers may not understand the terms or the workflow concepts necessary to produce a clean and/or animateable model.

SomeArtist a frequent poster of the excellent Subdivisionmodeling forum has started a blog that contains a wide assortment of knowledge from techniques to concepts regarding 3D modeling. The website is appropriately titled "The Journey into 3D modeling - State of mind, Wisdom and Inspiration". You can find SomeArtist's website here.

Some other links with some excellent discussion started by SomeArtist on modeling techniques can be found at the Subdivisionmodeling forum:

The Form.

Advice for Starters.

The Pole.

*note: some of the video links and image links at the blog do not work, the author is aware and is attempting to fix them.


  1. this hand is a bit low poly for my taste but its well modelled, but he has a nice site, i will dig into it, cool thanks for the links.

  2. >>interesting - but can someone explain why he would think that blender is very poor at box modeling?

    Its a personal opinion. But I can relate on some level. Box modeling generally requires the use and creation of n-gons throughout the modeling process, and subsequent elimination of said n-gons. Unfortunately you really don't have n-gons in Blender. Along with that you have no edge-specific bevel tool. etc.

  3. I do think that N-Gons aren't that necessary, it just a matter of being used to it or not.
    I can do everything without N-Gons even though I have used it before, I even dislike N-Gons.
    But you do have F-Gons, sure, they aren't true N-Gons, but are very similar.

    -- Rui --

  4. i agree that blender isnt the right tool for box modelling, and its not cause of ngons, maybe cause of its underlying features that come with it, like good modeling tools, if you spend some time on wings you will understand why blender is not suited, its the tools missing in blender for "tweak" and reshape the topology that are still rough, but there are good news in this point, hemesh is being worked on and hopefully blender will have the proper modelling tools for a decent workflow on subd-modeling or box modellling.

  5. ok thanks guys, I have to admit that Hexagon2.1 is the best modeler I know of (it used to cost $200.00 and it does nothing but modeling)

    But I just like to do everything in blender because of all of the other tools and features that are in it. Besides I generally model the more detailed objects with poly to poly. Poly to poly was the first thing I witnessed in a video tut (Boby and Nierd) and I was mystified by their skill and I suppose I kinda wanted to be like them =)

    His site is cool I'll check in on it from time to time.

    BTW - Hexagon price is much lower and it IS really really excellent for modeling. Everything about it rox - I only wish its modeling keyboard and mouse config were exactly the same as blender - then... that would just be... BLISS!

  6. student: There are too many methods to modeling and I'm very confused. Box or Poly?
    teacher: What's the point of starting with either a box or poly if you can't tweak well? And if you can tweak well, does it matters whether you started with a box or a poly?
    student: That makes a lot of sense, but which one has more advantages?
    teacher: For starter a box, if you're planning to master the craft of modeling. Go Poly if you just want the result.
    student: What if I use poly for the head down to the chest and the box for the arm and then attach them together?
    teacher: Then you are wise and experienced.


    roflolz (never thought I would find an occasion to type that...)
    Nobody ever said I was wise and experienced

    But true... looking at the thread the person do... I think SomeArtist should write a book on subd.

  7. don't forget the python tutorials on that website. They could be vary useful for those who are trying to make a plugin or working in the BGE.

  8. There are an awful lot of broken images in here.. Is that new Blender repository a good place to start archiving stuff like this is someone has it in their cache

  9. I think if you read further in his writings, you find that he changes his mind about Blender... and uses it quite frequently from what I remember...

  10. it is absolute crap that there are so many broken links i really wanted to learn about poles but there is nor pictoral reference therefor i can't get any idea about the how to use poles

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