Chris wrote to us about his service, a free file hosting service for Blender users.
Chris wrote:
Well basically it's a free service I set up for the open source Blender community for the purpose of uploading files up to 200mb at a time. There are many allowed file types and tonnes of space and bandwidth :D Anyone can hotlink to there files as well as just send people to the browse page. there's a vbb code option for images which enables simple copy and pasting of images into a forum. Also, if anyone wishes to upload something Blender related that is over the 200mb limit, I have setup a free mirroring service with for which I would create ftp login information for that person.
With all the shoddy web hosting out there, this sounds like a great asset for our community! Go check it out here.
I will use this more often, I had heard of it before but never used it, I used to use I can save up to 200 megabytes here!
This sounds dangerous and subject to some really evil bot meddling in the near future. I hope it becomes more secure and and maybe it could also do some cool stuff like show 'thumbnails' of the last 20 things uploaded.
Hey Chris - that's PHANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you very much!
First, thank you!
But it is a dangerous thing to do.
What about using bittorrent, and a site to index and host those blender related torrents?
This is great! A good place to host animation files.
I doubt this will be up for long... as others pointed out, it's far too dangerous to provide a public upload/download service with no access control or moderation.
Apart from that, using a non-existant folder with the "in=" parameter gives anyone the full path of the web server directory, opening more security holes. People who run PHP with error_reporting on on production servers should be whipped.
OK, well, at least it doesn't execute uploaded python scripts. *Wipes off sweat* ;)
Another great uploading place is it gives you 1GB of space to upload any file type and size you want (except over 1GB obviously)... its cool.
Thanks for the link im gonna use this definitely..
What are the terms and conditions? I hate reading them, but I think a short message like "You retain all copyright" would be nice.
Hey guys, I hear yeah. I'm going to be looking into all the things you've just suggested :D Thumbnails, user moderation and all.. also..I look at all the files and the folder is scanned for viruses everytime something is uploaded. Also Everything is backed up everyday so incase it goes down.
Thanks. Chris
Polorix: Be sure to turn error reporting off. Knowing the full path to your web site on the server is not nice.
Alexander Ewering: And how do I do that? Email me :-)
Polorix: This is the web server administrator's fault. I assume you're not the administrator. So, E-Mail your hoster, and tell them to shut PHP errors off in php.ini, as this is a brutal security hole for *all* sites hosted by them. They will (hopefully) know the details.
Although, adding ini_set('display_errors', '0'); to your PHP files should also do the trick for now.
@Polorix, Alexander: please stay on-topic and continue this discussion by e-mail. Thanks!
sorry Bart. Anyway. I setup a brand new version of the uploader and it has all the features you all requested. Enjoy :D
Looks very nice, but you could use some images with random distorted text for confirmation so you can get rid of any bots. Also, please make it a little more secure than the BMR was...
Very helpfull - Thanks Chris!!
Very nice. Thank you, Chris!
Nice, thanks for the heads-up Chris :)
looks like Polorix has some nice features, but I've been using MediaFire for a little while now and I couldn't be happier. It's got an unlimited file size and no bandwidth restrictions. No account required and it's fast as heck too... take a look at
Thanks again!
Nice little Site but can i only uploade after register ?
At the moment i use for my uploads. I can upload theire without registration and they have good limts and speed.
Hi, try this service for file hosting
i've been using it for a long time, it's best one i have ever used before.
Hope this helps. :)
This service is definitely a good source for Silvio Rodriguez music, too ;)