Mariano has updated the Blender Library script with some nice updates:
- Final fix to the long filename bug.
- Search Panel. New libraries, Action, Pose, Scene and Logic (for game developers).
- Batch Mode for materials(to add all materials in a blend in on click).
- Context Help.
- Lots of bugfixes
This is exactly what i was looking for. Brillant =D
What happened to Mariano's site? Looks like the domain is gone....
It is a bottomless pit of spam! :(
P.S. If anybody has a copy of this script, I beg you to puh-leez host it somewhere and post a link for us latecomers. ;)
ATTENTION ATTENTION, the link is spamed.
Send a mail to the author.
Please as Krazy, if anybody has a copy available !
Thanks a lot ...
I am a newbe here and was wondering if was able to get a copy of this and post it somewhere else?
The link has the y and t transposed. the correct link is below:
NOPE! That one is spam too. The opening page looked correct, but pure spam followed.
LESSON: Follow the link fully before posting something.
help post at PLZZZZ!!
Here you go guys, was looking for this for a long time...mind as well share the knowledge! I have had some problems with the latest update though. It doesn't seem to affect everyone, but the problem is adding things to the library. Let me know if anyone else has this problem.
Here is the link to his sight:
this should work for blender 2.48
In trying to run the plug in the console keeps telling my that their is an error in line 138 of the script also. in running it through IDLE the following line shows an error. I know nothing about python script so I have no idea how to fix this,
print "TOTAL ITEMS IN " + LIB.capitalize() + ": " + str(TOTAL_FILES)
Basicallt keeps saying the second qoutation mark is an invalid syntax.
i also experiencing the same issue, the error on line 138, and i'm using Blender 2.49a 64bit.
please help.
I have modified the 1.3.3 version to work with Blender 2.49. Here's the link ...