We have seen many comments of people who are planning to organize Blender user meetings where people can see the movie, discuss it and in general have a good time.
We will collect all this information and publish an overview of it next weekend, so if you are planning something please leave a comment below or contact us directly. Be sure to leave the following information:
- Date, Time
- Location, City, State, Country
- Additional information or a hyperlink to a page describing your plans.
- Your contact information.
If you're unable to set up a viewing of the movie, but you would like to organise a Blender user meeting somewhere please let us know as well. I think that it would be a Good Thing if Blender users would be able to meet each other more 'in real life', so we'll do our best to support this as well as we can.
Huntsville, Alabama
ResPower is Hosting a monthly Blender Users Group meeting. The 4th Tuesday of each Month 11:30 to 12:30 - bring your own Lunch.
Meeting usually focuses on a particular area of 3D animation using blender as the example. Such as materials, Character Tools, Lighting, Modeling etc.
Meeting are posted on the NA3D.org calendar
A monthly Blender meeting? Cool! Any chance of a small report of that next time? :)
I'm wondering: would it be useful if we added a 'Blender Activities' calendar to the site to list upcoming meetings, contests, releases etc?
I would love to be a part of the screening. I'm willing to elevate Blender by screening in one of the theatres in St.Louis and Chicago.
However i need to know if there is any paperwork involved.
Thank you,
St.Louis Missouri
I'm setting one up in the Hartford, CT area, to be shown at my Linux Users' Group. But there's no date yet.
@Hari: I'm not sure what you mean by paperwork, but you're free to download the movie and play it for an audience (or do whatever you want with it, really). No permission or other paperwork required. Is that what you meant?
Got it. I will start working on it.
thank you
I'm setting one up in Richmond, VA. It's likely to be near the end of this month. Email me and I'll get some more details to you when I have them.
Okay everyone, we added the Event Calendar to the site and we'll add all your initiatives to it. Just contact us with the details.
@Michael: I'd like to add your meetings to the Calendar, but the calendar on your site isn't working for me (javascript alerts). If you want me to add you to the Calendar, please get in touch.