Deep_Thought recently posted an Icarus import script for Blender 2.41. For those of you not familiar with Icarus, it is a motion tracking tool that turned into the "for money" PHTrack. It's still available for educational use only for Windows and Mac. The Icarus site has several instructional DIVX videos also. *Update* Colin has kindly updated his Icarus site to include the latest Icarus import script. It's good to see that Icarus is still being used and is continuing to get support from the Blender community.
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it`s nice to hear that Icarus is still availble
Thanks for posting this! I wouldn't have found out about this if I didn't see it here.
I'm the creator of the Icarus Tutorial site you linked to. :D I've just updated the link to the import script on my site. The new script has replaced the older version. Hope people find my tutorials useful!
Thats really great! I actually had a dedicated laptop to run that old version of blender and the Icarus import script, now i can format it and only keep the 2.41.. Super!
Hey Colin, I just love your site! Hope to see more cool hollywood tutorials soon :)
too bad there isn't a version for linux though :/ but it -is- nice to see that it's still available for educational purposes :)
Hi ,
With linux you can try voodoo tracker :
Available for windows too ...
Peace .
the commercial version is named PFTracker not PHTracker
Ok, I have Blender 2.44....the lastest version.....I have icrarus; BUT the python script is For 2.41.....
I did ever that u need to do, BUt i as soon as i click Create says error..
Its not my computer, its Irarus 2.41 python script.
what should i do...
You need to install build 2.41 in a separate folder and use it for icarus. I'm going through the same thing.
i have icarus 2.7 and i can´t import my avi and mov file i don´t know why please help me