Yes looks cool in animation too. But, as you have pointed out a flocking formation is really hard to achieve. In this case I have made use of strong force fields to get the effect.
I found that to simulate a nice swarm shape with boids is hard because the separation distance is the same in all directions resulting in the fish being to close together in the vertical but too far away in the horizontal.
Beautiful image Patrick!
Do you have some wip thread or something?
thanks, but whats a wip thread
a Work In Progress post in a forum like Blender Artists. ;)
I was just curious to see some of the making of this scene.
Sure, I've got nothing hide
I've set up a 'wip' here:
Thanks Patrick!
thats a really nice flocking formation! i've always found it tough to get boids to flock in appealing ways. does it look cool in motion too?
Yes looks cool in animation too. But, as you have pointed out a flocking formation is really hard to achieve. In this case I have made use of strong force fields to get the effect.
I found that to simulate a nice swarm shape with boids is hard because the separation distance is the same in all directions resulting in the fish being to close together in the vertical but too far away in the horizontal.