By Kfir Merlaub.
"A war nymph mounted on her faithful dragon, riding on a quest for vengeance"
A digital sculpture inspired both from Red Sonja and Tyris Flare
Created using Blender and rendered in realtime.For more stuff please visit my new portfolio website:
Looks nice, man! Hey, just out of curiosity, did you sculpt using Dyntopo or just Subsurf modifier? (My subtle way of asking, "Got any wireframe shots"?
Thank you Brian! This was sculpted initially with dyntopo, later I used the remesh modifier a few good times to get evenly spread high poly meshes. I currently find the multires modlfier not a robust tool as I have to manually retopo the sculpt to get it to work properly. so no multires / subsurf this time. And that's my subtle way of answering, no wireframe as this was not retoplogized ;-)