By abdou bouam.
i spent 15 days in this scene (1-8 hours/day), it is completely modeled in blender 2.7 and rendered with cycles, i can work more on it, but i decided to stop using blender for a while since i have more important things to do
btw i'm sorry for the bad quality, i made 1200 samples and it took a whole day to render with my hardware
hope you like it
Awesome details. But, there is seriously something wrong with those apples. Lighting?
thanks for your time and for your comment :)
i know it looks wierd and it doesn't fit in the scene, but this is the farthest i could get. i spent more than 6 hours trying to figure out how to make it look more organic and less plastic
Your welcome!
Everything else looks absolutely perfect.
In fact, after looking at the render for a while, I think it's safe to say that the apple closest to the camera is good and It's just one one under the umbrella that makes me bug out.
What you might have been able to do is add a really small spot or area light right next to the apple under the umbrella. It would give a slight bit of both light to the side and a bit of transition between the front bright light and the dark back side. Just a touch of Sub-Surface Scattering (SSS) might help as well with the plastic look.
thanks a lot for the suggestions, i will take them in consideration in my future scenes since i left it now
i have to admit that i rarely mess with the SSS, translucent, and the velvet shader ( i really don't know what this one is for!) and that's why i have failed making the apples
I certainly won't claim to be an expert on the shaders ( I don't really understand the velvet shader either ), its rare I mess with something like the translucent shader. With the SSS, all you would need is a touch of it to scatter the light under the surface a bit to alleviate that sharp transition between the light and dark side. You don't want too much SSS thought, or else you will end up with a glowing apple. Keep up the good work! You definitely have a good eye and good modeling skills, and don't worry about learning all the shaders and stuff. There is still shaders I don't understand or for that matter even use. Main thing, in my view, is to just make sure you know the main ones you use the most like diffuse, emission, glass, glossy, and ect, and just know the others for the rare occasions that you would want or need to use them. Keep up the good work! :)
thanks ;)
This is really awesome! I love the implied story the scene shows. All-in-all it looks really good, there are a few issues with the lighting on the apples and the background truck looks a bit flat to me, but it really does look good all-in-all.
thanks, but what do you mean with all-in-one and the background truck? (sorry english is not my first language)
No problem. all-in-all means like, as a whole or all together. The vehicle in the background, the one with the head lights, appears a bit flat looking to me, but that just might be me. It still looks really good! :D
i don't know really if it looks flat for others because i know how the scene is, but here's a clay render to see it
here it is
oh snap, it seems that the picture won't upload, see it if you want on my tumblr account