By Benjamin Roman.
This is a personal work. Making shore always has been sounding challenging to me so this time I decided to go over my fears. I think it will take me more than one try to get entirely satisfied with my work but it's a nice start!
By Benjamin Roman.
This is a personal work. Making shore always has been sounding challenging to me so this time I decided to go over my fears. I think it will take me more than one try to get entirely satisfied with my work but it's a nice start!
wow ! :)
Thank you very much!
Excellent work! How much is procedural? Were the rock island and ocean floor elements done in Blender as well or in another terrain software?
Thanks MFEAP!
Actually, this one does not contain that much procedural. The only place where I had a "procedural" approach is the lighthouse where I used a bit of curvature and painted masks to mix several materials. Also, the stripes are made procedurally, that was fairly simple to do.
The rocky island was sculpted using some alpha brushes and then I applied a pbr material with displacement. The ocean floor is also quickly sculpted and has a sand material on it. So everything is made in blender, I only did some slight color corrections in Photoshop.
That really is something else. Would love to see the original Blender rendering before Photoshop colour correction.
Incredibly realistic and just a really great view.