Pierre Lazarevic animated this peaceful scene focusing on face animation and fur where we meet an alien species called Rivermops.
These creatures, known as Rivermops or Limovores Fluviolentis, are native to an exoplanet and have a unique feeding behavior. They are herbivores, but they also feed on insects found in the sediment at the bottom of riverbanks. Their long, thick fur plays a crucial role in their feeding process.
They submerge their heads into the river water, using their fur as a natural filter. By sweeping the riverbed, they collect sediment, nutrients, and occasionally small creatures like insects, tadpoles, or other river fauna. Throughout the day, they lick or suck on their fur to ingest the trapped nutrients and creatures, storing them for gradual consumption over time. This slow feeding method allows them to absorb all necessary sustenance in a steady, passive way, ensuring they gather enough resources for their daily needs.