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Texture Haven is live!


Rob writes:

If you liked the free high quality HDRI skies from Greg Zaal on the HDRI Haven website, then you should definitely take a look at this new texture platform.

Texture Haven is a website where you can find high quality scanned textures for free, no catch. All textures here are CC0 (public domain). No paywalls, accounts or email spam. Just download what you want, and use it for every purpose.

At the moment I (Rob Tuytel) am the one who adds new textures to the platform. Soon it will be possible to be a paid Haven Texture contributor. If you have photo texture skills or you are common with Substance, please let us know on : [email protected]

Here is a quick video introduction on why I contribute and why these textures are so special.

Similar to HDRI Haven, Texture Haven is donations driven - more supporters will allow Rob to add more textures to the site every month.


      • It takes only little time, maybe few months I bet, and someone will download all of those textures from all of those sites and put them on his own website. It will eat those smaller sites because it will have 3 times more textures than these other ones. That will happen because those free textures people are trying to compete for each other with cc0 content.

        They should start working together to prevent someone taking all goods like that. Look for example pixabay and how many sites there are now which are now just uploading the same images from pixabay as their own.

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