Nikolai Mamashev is working on an animated version of Pepper and Carrot. The work will be done in Blender and Krita, and will be published under a Creative Commons license. You can support him through his crowdfunding campaign now - the teaser shot already looks amazing.
Nikolai writes:
Hello! I am glad to inform you that i started a campaign for produce a motion comic based on work by David Revoy "Pepper and Carrot". To get more information about this project go to my Indiegogo page.
I know that Creative Commons allows this either way, but I'm curious as to whether David Reevoy supports this? Personally I only back projects that are based on creative commons works if I know the original artist is fine with it. I know in the case of Pepper and Carrot that at least one person has already tried to get money from it in a way that David Reevoy was definitely *not* ok with (he blogged about it). Here they seem to be being better about attributing him, but there's a noticeable absence of any quotes from David about the project...
I checked before I posted this and David had posted about this project on Twitter:
To me, that means he knows and approves of this project.
Visually though, it looks very cool. :)