Dennis Fassbaender from the Fracture Modified development team presents a compilation of some cool Fracture videos. Again, let's smash some stuff! Love it :)
This time we want to show you a demonstration of the Fracture Modifier´s "autohide"-feature. Thats why its called: Glossy Edition - only specular and glossy materials ;)
It took 100+ hours for simulations and rendering. Music was made by me, too.
Too bad: The fluid sim is instable (used 650res for baking) but thats not a modifier-problem (we checked this). It seems physics have problems with moving obstacles (fluids/smoke also). Its hard to test everything on my FX4100 :D. Hope someone will fix this anytime.
If you like this demonstration please subscribe and share. Thank you!
Sorry, but this isn not amazing, in any way besides the cycles renders.
It only shows how much blender's simulation system is behind. Especially the shards not reacting to the fluid are funny - you can clearly see what was simulated first - and with totally different timing.
I thought it was alright, but I have to agree with you on the lack of attention to the simulation side of Blender. I'm wondering when we get an update on this system, it would be great to have something like FumeFX, Rayfire and Realflow combined. We already have something like this but less advanced.
you just listed $4200 worth of software.... yes someday hopefully blender will have all of that functionality. :]
You are commenting on fluid syms, I think you missed the point of the post and the point of the fracture modifier builds that they have been working hard at. Maybe keep criticisms constructive and relevant. Spend a bit of time learning about the fracture modifier, what is does that isn't natively in blender, and what is actually being demoed in the video. Oh, and you are being redundant, read his comment where he states that the fluid sim is causing issues and doesn't work properly.
It's nice that it is a modifier and adds some speed optimization and ease of use. But saving couple of seconds (from cell fracture addon) is nothing compared with 100+ hours for simulations and rendering of this mediocre video. That is just disturbing.
Anything this modifier does can be already made in blender, and If we are talking about optimization, nicer workflow, ease of use, etc. there are far worst things in blender to take care of.
This modifier is nice, don't take me wrong, but spending a year on this? This developer should focus skills on some more important aspects - like simulation, alembic caches, particles, etc.
I think your POV is just unrespectful of the work of the team. Only because you think that (arguably) other aspects are more important, it is obvious that every one has specific interests and skills, and they could not be 360°, and fluid sim, alembic, particles are quite different topics from this one.
Moreover, if this project is founded by te BF, I think the team is then supported doing this, otherwise, you just can keep not supporting it, and the team is perfectly free to "waste" time however they like., imho.
This, unless you are just trolling, obviously.
I also think you are failing to recognize how long 100+ hours is. Assuming it means that the time is just over 100 hours, that is just over 4 days, inclusive of rendering and simulating - which I am sure is the most taxing of time (glossy and glass shaders, reflections, refractions, caustics for cycles to chew through and then a simulation(s) with an extremely high resolution(s)) and it is also "walk away from your computer" time. That is not a lot of time, especially if you are leaving your machine to work through the rendering and sims. You are making it seem like that is months. I think your scale is off.
Oh, and like M.Ardito said, this is their own project, they can do whatever they want, and priorities are up to them. Clearly they think this is important, because they are spending their own time and resources on it - and I tend to agree with them. The amount of time that I use fluid sims in comparison to rigid physics and fracturing pales in comparison. You put that priority above the other, well I disagree. Each person has their own checklist of what they want, and when they are doing it on their own accord they do what they feel is important. I would love to get everything in Blender (there is a lot I want, and other things that are priorities to me), but I am not going to try to tell these guys that their priority is in the wrong place, that's not my decision or place to say.
Just multi-threading the simulations could speed them up by 12x. As cycles is not bi-directional path-tracer, scenes like this one take ages to render. If you think 100+ hours for this output is not much, you are mistaken.
By presenting the modifier with this video, it looks like author(s) want to create these kind of effects. That's why I suggested they could make a bigger impact with different development focus, and that is true. Sometimes developers get tunnel vision and don't see the big picture.
I have nothing against this modifier nor it's devs, they are awesome. I guess every critique can be seen as mean.
This wasn't intended as a flame at all, so sorry for that. I was just comenting on the quality of the output, not the modifier itself . The artist could simply put more time into observing how things look in slowmotion and then maybe try to bring things closer to reality.
The modifer is actually a big step forward. When you tell me I should find out more about blenders fracture, let me tell you I wrote the very first fracture addon ages ago. So, really not intending to criticize the coders hard work. The problem behind it is only lack of centralized design for the simulation system.
I just realized what auto-hide refers to! You can't see the cracks until they separate. Very cool, very useful!