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MotionTool - Node Based Animation Framework


This new tool on the Blender Market focuses on motion graphics.

Vitor Balbio writes:

A New Way to Make Animations!

MotionTool is the in-house Node Based Animation Framework developed by Cogumelo Softworks. For those that work with Animation, Motion Graphics, FX and need a better animation solution or just wanna have some fun with procedural and node based animations MotionTool is just what you need!

MotionTool is released as a BETA, that mean that until November 1th it has a promotional price of $39,95. After BETA it will go back to the original price of $49,95. During the BETA we will collect all feedback and setup a roadmap for next versions. We have a lot of ideas but we want to make your needs as part of the development! So what do you think MotionTool needs to be better for you? Be a part of the MotionTool BETA program and help us to make it the Best solution for you!


    • Hi Lord, We want to make a stable product, with full support and it can't be done without a commercial approach. Otherwise MotionTool would never be done, so is better to have it as a commercial solution for those that need a tool to work or don't have it at all? That's the point about all BlenderMarket products. Cheers!

      • I think LORD ODIN's point is that you develop a paying plugin for a software that's free and open source meaning that you benefited and will benefit for future versions, from all the efforts put into the Blender software and now "make money" with it without contributing back with a free and limited version for example. You don't even have to pay a developer license and also what surprises me is that you sell a beta version. Meaning that people will pay to check the framework and give you feedback, I don't know how does that fit in the open source eco-system spirit.

        But then again, I'm all for making money with open source, and maybe you contributed to the Blender project in the past so don't take my comment as a moral judgement but simply a thought on how to combine free and open source software with derivative commercial products.

        • Hi skepty, 10% of the MotionTool and Baketool sells go directly to BF Dev Found, that's our way to contribute him back for future versions, a free version will contribute with nothing for Blender development... About ecosystem we have a different opinion, i would like to see much more payed great plugins that speed-up the diary work of Blender studios like mine. We are making a Tool for those that need the job done, give him the possibility to say to us what they need for future releases and with a professional support... we are not forcing anyone to buy it... we are just offering a solution for those that need one.

          • I agree. Also, it's not like it would cost hundreds or thousends of dollars.
            I think it's ok to sell beta and maybe even only idea, if people need that and are ready to pay for that, because this is how things happen in our times. Look at kickstarter and steam greenlight for example. This is the new way and it's good, because it's much faster to make things happen. Although I must say, that if we are paying, we really want to quality tools that are stable and artist friendly to use.

        • Robert Fletcher on

          How is this different from an Artist selling a model on a 3D store? Blenders getting nothing from that, and most blender users don't contribute to the development fund.

          Here we have a company that is adding value to blender, donating 10% and making some money from it..

    • I'm kind of with you on this, LO. BlenderMarket is all good and well, but it feels like it kills the spirit of open source and open community. Where tools formerly would have been made free and for the love of the community, they're now commercial.

      However,the business man in me sees the logic in what Vitor says. In order to produce a viable and stable product, money has to exchange hands to make up the time spent.

      So, the pragmatic thinker in me says "Ok, go" while the "spirit of open source" cries foul. Blender is for the hobbiest and those who wanted a tool to do 3D work, but couldn't afford a higher priced package. Like myself. It's become powerful and a way for people to make a living, without sinking thousands into other packages.
      And while I'm bummed that there are some great tools that would cost, I can't fault Cogumelo Softworks to make some scratch on their hard work.

      And, to note: Blender is free and open. This is a commercial addon. Not part of the core.

      • I think this is a common misconception,

        "Where tools formerly would have been made free and for the love of the community, they're now commercial."

        I know there are multiple addons on the Blender Market that would not have been made if there wasn't an avenue to gain some monetary value for the time put into creating the addon.

        • Exactly. Not to mention, many of those developers continue to give us free developments.

          Cogumelo Softworks, the very same who brought us BakeTool and MotionTool on Blender Market, also gave us marvelous BoolTool as a free development, which is still in development.

          Their biggest work require bigger support, and without it, these bigger efforts wouldn't exist. And we've gone years without them already to know this claim is true.

          These guys are game-changers. They bring us products that completely change my Blender workflows. I think that deserves the reasonable prices for which they ask.

      • "BlenderMarket is all good and well, but it feels like it kills the spirit of open source and open community."

        This "open community" barely shares when it comes to the nature of donations (or even crowdfunding) efforts.

        The free and open-source philosophy doesn't truly happen for free--it takes a lot of precious time, effort and focus from the developers' busy lives to do.

        So, if there comes an ambitious undertaking, that requires a lot more precious time, effort and focus, if the people want it, they should the developers better.

        A marketplace is far more reliable means of support than donations or crowdfunding. Simply said.

        "Where tools formerly would have been made free and for the love of the community, they're now commercial."

        When has their ever been an addon for Blender of this caliber, by mere volunteer work?

        Without such commercial support, such developments as MotionTool wouldn't exist at all.

        Blender is for the hobbyist and those who wanted a tool to do 3D work, but couldn't afford a higher priced package.

        This isn't to belittle hobbyists here--we're all hobbyists of some good degree, even among the professionals. We all enjoy doing this stuff on a personal level.

        But if we do everything by the hobbyists' demand, they will keep Blender an amateur effort.

        The way I see it, the people who really need the ambitious developments are going to support such ambitious developments commercially.

        Those who just merely want it to play around with it are typically those who are complaining the most. I can understand their sentiment of wanting new "toys," but I can also understand the reality that better developments require better support.

        Even with a donation system, it's typically those who take their work more seriously (namely, those who make a living with Blender) who donate to developers--not the hobbyists.

    • Also remember folks that although these add-ons cost money, they're still open-source. Buying the product will simply support the developer and motivate him/her to create more tools. If you feel that this is somehow unfair, there's nothing stopping you from obtaining the source code from somewhere/someone and using the add-on without paying. We'll all just think you're cheap and ungrateful :)

    • Think of the money the are asking for $40 or $50 as a donation or note of appreciation. I might be mistaken here but all Blender scripts have to be released as GPL or with a compatible license because the api the are using is GPL. So if you truly wanted to, you could request the source code.

      Personally I get tired of when people say Blender is 'free', it is not 'free' as there is zero cost to it. People who donate money to the foundation and the developers who do free development pay for every body who doesn't.

      Open source is not free as in gratis it is free as in libre.

      • I think it's also important for the community to realize that the majority of Blender core development is not un-paid, volunteer-driven development. Ton has mentioned to me via email in the past that "60-80% of current commits (this was in 2013) are being done by people who get paid (in some way)." Just because the results of such work are distributed freely, doesn't mean the original dev work wasn't paid for in some way. These new commercial add-ons are just an alternative way of getting paid for the dev work you put in. (Full Disclosure: I'm the developer of the commercial Blender addon AutoMaps -

      • Craig Richardson on

        "I might be mistaken here but all Blender scripts have to be released as GPL or with a compatible license because the api the are using is GPL."

        This is not true, it is only true if i am making an add-on that is apart of blender for instance, if the add-on is not self contained but is rather an upgrade to the existing code base, since the add-on is then apart of the original code base then it inherits the license of the script that it is apart of, but here is where it gets completed, the script in its interity has the GPl licence, but if the script is made up of code provided by different people for instance the code provided by the add-on, the code as part of the script will be GPL, but the code on its own as its own entity can be any licence that the original owner wants it to be and doesn't need to anything to do with the GPL licence and its licence doesn't need to be compatible with the licence of the script.

        How ever if the script is its own entity within blender and doesn't upgrade or add-on to any other part of blender then the add-on in its interity can be what ever licence that it wants to be and doesn't need to be compatible with the GPL Licence.

        and as far as selling the add-on as a commercial product as long as all of the code base is there own, there will be no objections regardless if the add-on is separate in the code base or if it integrates ion other parts of the code base upgrading pre existing features.


        Hope this helps.

    • SonlenofBlender on

      Many other software packages have extra add-ons available for purchase so why should blender not as well? Any new development of features and bug fixes or workflow improvements is good for the end user. And who knows if it might eventually get into the main branch. Maybe if the Blender Institute thinks it is really good they will buy it off of the dev. Or maybe once they make enough to cover their costs they will release it for free. Or maybe they will keep it on the blender market and continually update and fix it with the money they receive from purchasers. Or maybe they will sit back and become rich from all their sales and laugh at people who have problems and let the product slowly die from want of attention until it is simply taking up space on the blender markets servers. Hopefully not that but they have the right!
      Anyway I would say that so far there have been a couple of cool add-ons released on the market that might not have come into existence otherwise. Developers have to eat too you know!

    • That was my thought in the beginning, but tbh i've completely changed my point of view. It seems to me that the quality of the extensions has increased a lot since blendermarket (might be only my impression or the whole presentaion of the market...). Or at least the plugin developers seem to be much more dedicated now that there is a place where they can sell their plugins. As a professioal you are really happy if you can buy tools like this that will speed up your workflow and give you features you need.
      In the past I oftentimes was chasing after a certain plugin only to find out that development had stopped, or that is wasn't compatible with my blender version anymore, or was buggy etc. In this case one could contact the developer, and ask very very kindly if he'd fix the issues. However, It's always a delicate thing, as you knew that he was doing it all for free, on his very limited sparetime etc. With commercial plugins that should be different now. So for me, the market will definitely become a place to go and get my stuff. I really appreciate the dedicated development of professional plugins.

    • Maya community: "Oh, look! A revolutionary new addon for Maya! And it's only $40! Great!"

      3ds community: "Oh, look! A revolutionary new addon for 3ds Max! And it's only $40! Great!"

      modo community: "Oh, look! A revolutionary new addon for modo! And it's only $40! Great!"

      Cinema 4D community: "Oh, look! A revolutionary new addon for C4D! And it's only $40! Great!"

      Blender community: "Oh, look! A revolutionary new addon for Blender! But wait--what?! It's not free?! This is wrong! This will destroy everything Blender's about! This will ruin the FOSS philosophy! Absolutely everything should be free! This is the end of the world!"

      Other communities: "Look at those amateurs. They complain about everything. Hahaha!"

      Never mind if marketplace commercial support is far more reliable than the nature of crowdfunding and donations towards ensuring continual improvement of these products.

      Folks like you keep expecting all the best efforts to be free. That or you'll suggest stuff like crowdfunding and donations, but the truth is, they seldom work. The few that do work generally barely achieve their goal.

      Look at Krita. Wonderful development that was looking for support on Kickstarter--and they got the support, but barely. They barely reached their minimal goal, and seeing more support would've brought even more improvement.

      Other such efforts aren't even that lucky. These kinds of means for developer support seldom suffice, because most people simply rely on the next guy to do it. People are all praise but little action.

      You don't even seem to care that these guys are Dev Fund Contributors--in giving back to Blender Foundation with each sale, and providing such great developments, buying their actually supporting Blender's development twice.

      This marketplace is a godsend. It's just what Blender developers need for their bigger ambitions with Blender, to take it to the greater heights. You want better developments? You'll have to support developers better.

      The marketplace ensures that precisely. These bigger developments aren't your average quick little add-ons--they take a lot of time, effort, and focus to develop. What's more--markets have one thing that volunteer developments don't: An obligation to satisfy the customers.

      Why do people often abandon their volunteer projects? Because when daily life (namely, work) takes higher priority, it's of no consequence if they stop--it wasn't any obligation. But when you've got customers to service, you're obliged to improve, because they are part of your daily life.

    • if someone needs freesoftware in that kind of job, use sverchok. Sverchok concentrates on geometry, not animation. but you as developer, can participate and make some nodes for animation. github is open.

  1. A race-through video with stupid pumping music is no help at all in making me interested in this product. It's virtually impossible to see what's going on! Much like an annoying TV advert, I just turned off.

      • That is a much better example than the first animation on this page; perhaps Bart should change the link? [Personally, I have never known a teacher put on banging music when they are trying to teach the class something new, so why do so many people spoil their tutorials with music?]

        • Actually i use it in my classroom but with a low volume when i'm talking :D , Is a funny class of CG man! I like to play some Brazilian popular music too =P

        • I've wondered that, too. I'm a musician and love music, but not when I'm trying to think of something other than music. :)

        • You can't compare this to teaching in a classroom.

          The teacher's awareness on you keeps you awake in a classroom. Live interaction keeps your attention.

          You don't have that luxury with the video, where the you don't interact with the teacher, and the long silences can put you to sleep--esp. when there's no talking in the video.

          I personally find it annoying when people play music while they're talking. But I see no problem with music where there's long periods of silence.

          Besides, this video is a brief run-through guide. Not everything needs hours of yakking just to demonstrate the gist of how to use the tool.

  2. And how is this wonder not being sponsored by the BF and getting into trunk?

    Man, this nodal approach is so powerful! IMO, everything in blender should be node-able, particles, modifiers... and free -__-

    • We are not being supported by BF but we are a BF supporter... 10% of the sales is going to BF dev found. It's our way to help BF development too. We agree that would be great to have more node systems coded in blender core. Cheers!

      • Thanks for taking the time to answer here Vitor!

        Let me add that it would be really awesome if BF could sponsor you instead of the other way, that way the improvements you are doing to Blender would keep open and free.

        Make some of the BCloud money sponsor some of this more time consuming addons and we all win, I think.

        You've done an awesome and impressive work, anyway, so great job!

  3. Looks like it could be useful, It's nice to see something similar Cinema 4D's Mograph for Blender. Not sure how easy it will be for people whom are used to timeline animation to switch to a node based animation workflow initially. But interesting to see nevertheless. Good work/price too.

  4. AMAZING job! I was somewhat dubious when I clicked on the link, however the video convinced me! I generally use AE for my motion graphic work, but this would make Blender a powerful and easy to use "motion tool". thanks for all the hard work, guys, I'll definitely be picking this up before it returns to full price ;)

      • I've purchased my copy ;) still finding my way around to a certain extent, (creating a group had me stumped for a while) but I'm really enjoying it. thumbs up!

      • I'm purchasing as soon as I can afford , absolutely amazing , Is there any chance you can add a node that somehow defines or marks keyframes as 'Beats Per Minute' across the timeline ? Say I'm working at 24 frames per second , but a piece of music I'm working on starts at 80 bpm in 44 for 18 bars and then jumps up to 120 bpm in 54 it would be awesome if one of your nodes could auto dump some keyframes at the correct spacing between a defined frame range at a time signature your working at.. It would save so much time in my workflow , I don't know if that makes sense , but It would be awesome , I come from a music sequencer background so I may be asking for something that is already capable , Even better would be to define the snapping increments at different settings between keyframe ranges to a musical structure , editable by your nodes system ? Just an idea , Keep up the good work.

  5. PistolIoanAlexandru on

    If Blender Market sell tools like: Blender Muscle Tools, Contours Retopology Tool, Motion Tool, and many other important tools would be made in the future for money..

    Later Blender developers would hesitate to make the same features or improvements for Blender, like Muscle Tools?

    And we don't see any of these features implemented in Blender, in the future?

    • I don't think that'll the case. I can only speak for Contours, but through it's development (and subsequently Polystrips) it's already contributed fixes and improvements back to Master. Not directly, necessarily, but through collaboration with the main devs. For example, we now have pressure-sensitivity available to add-on devs because we needed it for Polystrips and asked for it.

      Additionally, through designing and developing Contours it has opened the doors for serious discussion on how we might build a dedicated retopology mode (yes, in Master), that would allow even greater tool access without as much heavy lifting, leading to lighter, better tools.

      The other thing to consider, is whether or not these tools would even exist without the monetary input. I can say for certain that Contours would not. Nor would the upcoming Polystrips.

      Does this mean we will never see Contours (or a similar tool) in Master? I don't know but I don't think so. My hope all along has at some point been to get Contours into Master, ideally as a integrated, C-coded tool.

      • For the sake of conversation - the OP does have an interested point/dilema. If these commercial addons are out there, why would the devs create a similar piece to go into the Master? That's biting the hand that feeds at that point.

        • It could be "biting the hand that feeds" but it could also be contributing to the system that enabled the "hand" in the first place.

          Contributing to Blender master, even when you're selling commercial Blender add-ons, is a long-term investment that likely will pay off far greater than holding back all contributions for the sake of extra monetary gain.

          For example, I designed Contours as a commercial tool to scratch my own itch while also being able to sustain ongoing development. However, I plan to get some or all of it contributed to master at some point so that it can better Blender as a whole. In turn this allows me to move on and free up time to build even more tools that may be even more comprehensive and powerful, due in part to the improvements made possible from previous work. It becomes a cycle.

          • Just to point out, I'm not completely against the idea of selling addons. And if devs who create these plugins have noble intentions like yourself (eventually put it core so you can create other things later) than that's exactly what I fear is going to be lost.

            See, one of the things that drew me quickly to Blender was the community. People working together to create art, code, etc in the open source spirit. What I fear is that all that great community is going to be lost because all the good plugins go commercial and people can't afford it anymore. But at the same time, I understand that there are people out there who are very good and have spent a lot of time building tools. Like yourself, of the creators of this tool (and other tools).

            What is to keep people who have created great tools in the past to say "Ok, let's sell this addon now for $30"?

            Again. I'm not against the marketplace. My own selfishness puts me off a bit. I understand, make money to continue building new tools that continue to feed the greater beast.

            I don't know if that's my 2 cents or a bucket o' mud .. hehe

          • Even setting aside the marketplace for a moment, I'm not convinced that the commercial nature of an add-on reduces the community sense at all. Like anything else I think it depends wholly on the project and the people involved. I know that for me, Contours and Polystrips has brought several of us together in a way that we otherwise wouldn't have. Working with Patrick Moore and Jon Denning over the last months/years has been an absolute pleasure. In turn, this project has also opened doors to work with other developers like Antony, Campbell, as well.

            Seems to me that the community aspect has little to do with the commercial aspect.

            I would love to see Eclectiel come back and re-start development on BSurfaces, even if that meant selling it, as the community is practically begging for it. It's such an incredible tool, which unfortunately, has been left by the wayside. Bringing it back would grow the community engagement, not deplete it (in my opinion).

          • I agree it does bring core people together, which is great. Contours looks great and I wish I could pick myself a copy up and join the throng. Which is why I fear it will end up hurting the community, because the community thrives on the a "free" market. But when only certain people can afford to pay for addons that build a clique of "elite" who can afford to pay for the addon.

            Hey, I'm all for it. I'm all for you, or Cogumelo, or ndee creating and selling these things. As I said before. And, for the record, I HAVE bought addons for Blender - but was burned. There was a procedural city generator I bought (Suicidor) for a project I was hoping it could help me on. So I HAVE bought the software. But there was no community in it, because no one wanted to or COULD drop some bones on it.

            Maybe the community is different now that Blender Marketplace is out there, CGCookie is behind a lot of the community leading, etc etc. And maybe you're right, Jonathan, and the marketplace enables community growth. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

          • I suppose I was actually more referring to the community involved around the development. But of course, you're right, that community involves all parties. Developers. Users. On-lookers. Etc.

            Time will tell :)

          • Thanks for taking the time to have this open discussion, Jonathan. It's appreciated. You've scene as a leader in the Blender-world. Good to know you're here and ready to field questions - even from snarky snarks like myself! :)

        • Craig Richardson on

          oh and dont forget that even though there are or could be implemented systems that can do what you want commercial or non commercial as add-ons to blender 3d that doesn't mean that there will be no implemented features in blender that can do similar things by the blender foundation because quality yes is a point and a valid one at that but quantity is also a very good thing to have, for instance if there are more than one way to do the same thing then that means the system has very good variety which helps with workflows and the like but if there are fewer tools that can do similar things that makes for a very rigid system that only works one way, although it may work very well over all that is bad.

      • PistolIoanAlexandru on

        My only hope is to don't have a software who will work only with tons of addons to make the job better and easier.

        Or Blender Market can make an offer in the future to sell all the addons in a package. And then we could have Core blender for free, and super Blender extended with many addons already installed for a reasonable price(like you buy a software)

        But then the Blender would split in two parts, with free version with only the core and Blender extended with money, and with tons of addons together already installed....

        • While this is a bit of a generic answer and doesn't always apply, here's how I see it. Add-ons, and particularly commercial add-ons, serve to fulfill a need. Often that need is a niche need (such as Contour-based retopology). These add-ons aren't needed by the mass-majority of the Blender user base and as such it's probably more appropriate for them to live as an add-on.

          However, if a tool (from an add-on or anywhere else) becomes so prominently used, perhaps even to become the defacto tool, then it simply makes sense to get it integrated into Master. Even if that means sacrificing the commercial version.

          The fear of a stunted Blender is a valid one, but at this point in Blender's life I think there's simply too many users and too many developers who have a vested interest (and passion) in it continuing that I don't think this will happen. And besides, even if this was to happen there's nothing stopping you, or anyone else, from taking the code of any of these add-ons and integrating it into Blender yourself. They're all open source.

    • You're absolutely right.
      If someone makes an addon to your program and gives you some money out of it as well you would think twice before showing a middlefinger to him and implementing the same feature yourself and giving it away for free to public.
      And that will naturally build up the same ecosystem 3dsMax have. Its only good with the addons. Maya on the other hand consumes more and more features to its core level, its like a sponge of DCC programs. The other 3d packages are also trying to do this but not Blender.

      If those people are smart and code some useful stuff then its better to take them under the wing of BF. BF must start to sell "support" service. You need a list of features that people would vote for with their wallet. When enough money on the feature is raised some developers start to work on it. And since its a core feature it will attract more users and the wheel will start rolling, the feature will get a maintainer and it will naturally gain more trust from even more people.

  6. Mircea Kitsune on

    Very nice! I hope we will see this added to Blender >= 2.73! Blender's default animation abilities are pretty limited to the basics, and much must be done manually.

  7. 100% worth buying! For most of the artists it saves some huge effort from buying ae, well done.
    I pay yearly to adobe more than that and most of my work in ae is motion graphics, keep it up with the amazing tools!

  8. Nice tool, looks like the ARewO add on a bit plus the sniper add on, but the thing is why instead of selling it why not adding it in Blender 2.7x and get rid of the useless tab, thank God that the pie menu " is an option" ( tab should be the same), any ways now that blender market was launch there's a lot of add ons for sell, why not contribute to Blender again and add it as official feature, I'm a developer too, (prefer to code in C and C++), trying to learn Python, but have healthy issue that none of the doctor knows whats happening, anyways, hope must add ons get officially feature in Blender

  9. For all those who have misgivings about paying for add-ons, I would ask how many of Blender's followers have been asked, in the past, to pay for instructional books, videos, or site subscriptions. At one point, I'd spent over $200.00 collectively on Blender books...just to have them start changing the interface (not to mention the introduction of Cycles). These would have also been considered tools for Blender as much as the add-ons are. IMHO, I should think that the contributor who creates and sells but gives back nothing to the source (in this case, the Blender Foundation), might be someone I wouldn't want to buy from.

    One of the things that has long been a complaint against Blender is it's complexity. While I admit that it has become much easier to create animations, models and renders in Blender (I've been with Blender since 2.28), add-ons such as Render+, Automaps, and Motion Tool truly add a level of user-friendliness to it that helps those of us who are both a bit challenged in programming python and refuse to throw $50.00/month into the toilet justify to our peers the power inherent in the power of the application. Blender is the first application (behind Firefox and VLC) that I download and install on every computer I own.

    If anything, I'm buying the beta of Motion Tool and seeing what cool things might be able to be done with a shallow depth of field.

    • Maya community: "Oh, look! A revolutionary new addon for Maya! And it's only $40! What a bargain! Great!"

      3ds community: "Oh, look! A revolutionary new addon for 3ds Max! And it's only $40! What a bargain! Great!"

      modo community: "Oh, look! A revolutionary new addon for modo! And it's only $40! What a bargain! Great!"

      Cinema 4D community: "Oh, look! A revolutionary new addon for C4D! And it's only $40! What a bargain! Great!"

      Blender community: "Oh, look! A revolutionary new addon for Blender! But wait--what?! It's not free?! This is wrong!

      "This will destroy everything Blender's about! Absolutely everything should be free! This will ruin the FOSS philosophy!

      "The next thing you know, they'll be charging us to use Blender! We're doomed! This is the end of the world!"

      Other communities: "...Wow, are these kinds of meltdowns something normal for you gu--"

      Minority among Blender community: "Yes. Yes, it is. Every single time."

  10. This really seems line a must have. Are you guys gonna support all future blender versions? Or how is that going to work in this regard. Thanks

  11. I'll be an instant buyer as soon as animation group members will get ID's automatically. Would be great to have options for position based ID signing, or based on order in hierarchy, random, or alphabetical order based on object names. for me the strength of procedural animation would be that it works on masses of objects, not only on a few.

  12. Hi Vitor Balbio!

    I am not so much interested in MoGraph as I am in procedural modeling.
    Can your tool aid in setting up procedural / parametric models?
    So far, I can only see it being utilized in the animation layout...

    Best regards,

  13. Holy smokes, people, it's not that hard to understand that income leads to innovation. Software that comes "out of the goodness of your heart" can only last so long if it's not funded, and there's no getting away from that fact. I love Blender, it doesn't cost me $600 a year, and for that I am grateful. I want it to continue that way, which is why every now and then I will support the various tutorial or software add-on with a fraction of what it would cost to own Maya. So great, now you've made me be 'that guy' and leave an exasperated comment. I hope you're happy...

  14. yey another paidplugin for blender ill hope you rot in hell. not gonna buy anything and this blendermarket is stupid.

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