Atom created an add-on to easily create landscapes using eRacoon's Landscape Assets collection.
This download contains a BLEND file and an AddOn written for Blender 2.7.1. The BLEND file contains the mesh based tile objects setup for use with the AddOn. These tiles were created by eRacoon and are also offered for download on Blendswap as cc0 by eRacoon.
Install the AddOn, "tile_proc" into your AddOns folder. Activate the AddOn and open the associated BLEND file. Click the Generate button to make your own landscapes. Click the Color Wheel to colorize your landscape after generation.
I approve this message
Its a great example of usage made with my assets.
Your model is awesome !!
Thank you, I made the assets but Atom made the generator and this tutorial.:) I very glad how it turned out.
that is team work