Check out a new 3-part tutorial series by Jonathan Williamson of Blender Cookie on using Sketchfab to showcase your Blender models online. Sketchfab is an awesome web viewer that utilizes WebGL for 3D viewing in browsers without a plug-in. Jonathan teaches you how to upload your model from Blender, make adjustments in Sketchfab, and add annotations to the model.
Jonathan writes:
Creating a model in Blender is only your first step. Once a model is complete, or even still in progress, you likely want to show it off. Normally this is done by rendering out a few different angles, adding some lighting, and working towards a good presentation. Sometimes, though, you just want to quickly show off the model in 3D. This is where Sketchfab comes in.
the only issue is the floor obstructing the view from below.
That could be fixed by setting the floor's material to single sided