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Pic-a-Pix 3D



Leonardo Monteiro Silva presents his game which is made entirely using the Blender Game Engine.

Leonardo Monteiro Silva writes:

Pic-a-Pix 3D is a puzzle game made entirelly with Blender and developed by a single person.

The objective of the game is to "sculpt" an object by deleting all the portions of the puzzle that don't belong to the answer.

The tutorial part of the main menu teaches you how to play the game.

I hope you like it.

Thanks a lot!



  1. I downloaded and installed, and the graphics loaded fine, but the controls did not work. The portions of the screen where the cursor was activated (as it turned from an arrow to a mouse hand) did not snyc up with the on-screen displays. (I used the default display settings.)

    Eventually, I kept clicking around the screen and couldn't even get out of it. I had to Ctrl+Alt+Delete just to leave the program.

    I am using Windows 7, 64-bit.

    • I'm sorry to read that, the game can run in window by deselecting the fullscreen option, also its better to run the game with your native resolution to make the game match your screen settings and prevent those kinds of errors.

      I hope it helps!

      • I see. Perhaps the fullscreen option should not be the default or should be denoted as glitch-prone?

        Thanks for your work. I'll download and play now.

        • Thanks, it should work, I think that it depend on your computer, there are several configurations, I tested it on some computers, but somethimes those bugs happen.

          Anyway, thanks a lot.

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