You can now download the .blend of Albin Merle's awesome Oil Refinery!
albin MERLE writes:
You can download the scene on Blendswap. There are many props, column, tank, structure etc...
You can now download the .blend of Albin Merle's awesome Oil Refinery!
albin MERLE writes:
You can download the scene on Blendswap. There are many props, column, tank, structure etc...
What a generous share! Thanks a lot!
Yes a generous share indeed!! Great model to learn from i hope. But I can't figure out how to get the textures..! I did "unpack data files", but it says:"none to unpack"..
Who can clear this out?
(This would be a great tutorial serie!!! :p )
I am not been able to download, can anyone guide.
As we click on link its directing to other as below
What is the Valid and working download link
Any luck? I am also struggling to find the download.
Awesome model, just wish I could play around with it!