"Lucy and The Time Machine" is the winner of this year's Blender Game Competition.
Erwin Coumans wrote:
Lucy and the time machine by vitorbalbio wins the best physics gameplay and
graphics showcase (500 US Dollar + PSP Go)Cargo Games by z0r wins the second prize and Link It! by Jay-D third.
For further info, movies and downloads see the Bullet wiki.
Pretty cool :)
Wow, its basically like Trine! Im very impressed! The other games are also extremely cool!
KYouB wasn't contest material. A big bummer but at least I've got something to continue working on.
I love 'Cargo Games'. The epic snail sticks to almost every object and gravity still does it's work!
Great games people. This was a decent contest with decent games that have indie potential.
Congratulations Vitor and Bernardo !
You deserve it !
And More Brazillians are comming (kkk)!
Parabens Vitor!
Parabéns vitor! =D
Parabéns vitor!
Parabéns Vitor = ))
Congratulations! The winning games are really standing out!
Good job to all other contestants as well!
Parabéns Vitor :)
well deserved price.
Congratulations also for the other contestants.
Aeeeeeeeeee Vitor!!!!
Parabéns Vitor \o/.
Parabéns Vitor. Vocês merecem a vitória.
Estamos orgulhosos.
The blender community is a very nice and kind community...
so I will not make any comment on that one...
Very cool. Still things to be ironed out and improved, but overall, a very impressive little demo. I especially liked the breaking wall and the Ferris wheels - and oh, the diversity of the under-water part :)
That was very cool. BGE seems to be producing a lot of interesting games. Though all the bge games i've seen need to be opened in blender. Would be nice to see some that can be downloaded and just executed.
Lucy Windows executable (43Mb): http://tinyurl.com/ygbr4g8
Link It! Windows executable (23Mb): http://tinyurl.com/yhowpsk
Any executables for Linux? :)
Hey, your game is really nice, I think your game is going to be really better than Yo Frankie!