Alain Mathez (mcBlyver) has created some companion videos to his rigging tutorials that were featured in the BlenderArt magazine #19. The videos show off what can be done with these rigging examples (a furniture hinge and a catepiller soft track) in real-time. Quite impressive.
Update: Alain has posted an updated version of his tutorial here.
Alain Mathez writes:
The first video shows the result of the article "Caterpillar Soft Track", with the main part and separate elements. The main animation was done with only 1 Ipo and 4 PyDrivers. Of course it doesn't include the generic and the work with the Sequencer.
The second video shows another use of IK Constraints, PyDrivers and Armature. Done with 0 Ipo, and 1 PyDriver. The model is available in the Exemple Files of the magazine, with a quick description, but no article of it.
Thank you for reading, sorry for my bad english, merry christmas.
Alain Mathez (mcBlyver)
Very good! Thank you for that videos.
Wich Tutorial have i to read to learn that???
Oh gosh.. You have to spend half of the minute before you watch the actual result.. That doesn;t make much sense to me. But other than that it is cool..
@nebular: Yes, the intros are pretty long, which is a downside. But the footage itself is great, showing the possibilities... anything correctly automated is a big timesaver. :)
You're great - really nice!!
But please don't overdo your intros - takes far too long - it's boring to watch - I want the essential parts.
Sweet! I'll be watching these later!! I was just recently looking at how to rig a model!
Really impressive!
Wow - that is pretty sweet.
- Leo
Hey, nice catepillar track, it really looks great.
But one thing: The tutorial in Blender Art magazine. Page 27.
The object named ProjectionFloor and the Empties. I can't add hooks to
vertices in the way so they could to control the empties. I did everything
as shown but it only seems to be possible to add hooks to vertices so empties
have influence on them and not otherwise.
Maybe someone else have the same problem so I tell what I've done.
I added constraint > copy location to each Empty and then gave projection
floor as target and Pr1, Prb1, Pr2...... in the vertex group position and it works.
I'm confused... suppose I should read the magazine this month.
realy smooth moving tracks, well done.
@Marek: Don't know if this will help (or is your problem,) but to add a hook (which is an empty in this case) to a vertex, go into Edit Mode, select the vertex you want to add the hook to, hit Ctrl + H, and choose to "Add, New Empty." An empty will spawn, hooked to the vertex. Hope that helped.
God bless and Merry Christmas!!! :)
This is pretty nice of people to make videos to accompany the Blender magazines. Will this become a regular thing now?
@NetOperator Wibbly: Don't quote me on this one, but I would say "No, don't expect videos to be a regular addition to the BlenderArt magazines." I think it really depends on the author of the articles, as well as whether their article references to anything that would work as a video (or, hopefully, be beneficial as well.) Anyhow, my two cents (or sense, if you wish. ;))
such a nice job in terms of constraints and BGE ut for the video composition intro it's not fitting to ur level
You know you can embed Flash videos into PDF's? I wouldn't mind a special Blender Mag with the videos embeded. Of course this would increse the download size, but hey! - why not!?
@Hazlitt: No, I may not have known that, wow. ;) That WOULD be useful. But I think two versions of the mag would be better - one for dial-up and one for DSL, etc.
@Marek: Thanks for that workaround. I was running into the same problem. I am curious how it is working in the sample .blend? I am not seeing any hooks in there also....
Hi guys, I'm really sorry to be so stupid.
First I did a mistake in the tuto for the BAM # 19,
and then I didn't see your messages here up till now.
Marek : it's my mistake. The Empties are not Hooks but Vertex-Parented.
You have to do it with CTRL+P, Vertex Parent. Then the Empty follow the Vertex.
There are no Hooks in Chapter 3, shame on me.
With the agreement of Sandra Gilbert for the BAM, I have put a corrected PDF of my original
tuto on my FTP. Now my problem is that english is not so easy for me, and the BAM Team
has corrected a lot of "non-technical" things in the article. Has anyone a tool to compare
2 text files which have completely different layout ? Because the PDF is yet technically better
but englishally worse.
You will find the PDF here, sorry for the mess.
Otherwise : no Physics, no Game Engine to do this. The intros are too long, ok.
I will do shorter next time, but for all the comming "OIRA or AFAPIRA" it will be the same, just click to skip it.