Jean-Sébastien Guillemette from Montage Studios has started giving Blender workshops in Montréal! Check out what he has to say about it:
Hey there, I've started giving Blender workshop/classes at the ‘Société des arts technologiques' (Society for technological arts) in Montréal. The classes are obviously given in French, but if enough English speaking people register, there is a possibility that I could give the class at another time in English! So if you live near Montréal and would like to attend the classes, make sure to go on this website and check out the schedules for the next ones!
Here's the schedule as of now:
- Blender 1 - Blender basic- December 6th 2008 (already given)
- Blender 2a - Modeling tools preview (3h class) - December 18th 2008
- Blender 2b - advance Modeling (6h class) - December 21st 2008
- Blender 3 - Animation & Shading - January 2009
(See full blog post here.)
Image © 2008 Digital Globe, © Tele Atlas, screenshot from the Google Earth application.
oh man. too bad that i don't live in montreal/canada anymore. :(
sounds very interesting!
Thanks for posting this, Tim. Glad the post finally worked. :)
Where's the Toronto love???
If there is any, I'd love to hear about it too. Just recently moved here!
Why, oh why are all the postings for Blender workshops posted after they are over?
@Luke H: There's still one left in January 09.