Do you want to learn how to build a house in Blender? A Blender artist called Vaclav Chaloupka, was kind enough to create an incredible set of three video tutorials, showing the detailed process of modeling a complete house in Blender.
Before you start to watch the tutorials, let me just warn you about the length! It`s almost three hours of video. Visit this link to watch all videos, and read all info about the tutorial.
isn't this the one from the blender for architecture website?
that's old news
old news or recent news....why does it matter in this case. This ain't news, it's a ressource for the community. If blendernation never talked about it before, then it's worth showing!
Thanks for the heads up, seems like a very instructionnal video.
@Jean-Sébastien: I agree with you.
Many thanks to Allan, this material is gonna help me :)
Where's the download? I can't find a link on Vimeo.
OK, i've got it. I had to register...
Great tutorial! Nice video and clear explanation.
very handy for architects, i've found a lot of helpful things in it.
It doesn't matter it isn't new. I haven't seen, and I suppose neither have many others...
It looks VERY promising (I'm downloading now)
Oooooh! This looks perfect for my dream home building wish thingy!
We should all have dreams!
Very nice tutorial. Where can I download it at Vimeo??? Even I am registered I cannot find it :-(((
very nice :)
Now, if anyone could post a tutorial on how to blow up the house afterward... 0:)
With flames, smoke, debris...
And mega "laser"...
These video tutorials are very helpful if someone needs modelling architecture in Blender. Building a house or something similar in Blender isn't easy, especially when you have to obey measures. Blender still lacks of CAD tools!
aws357: LOL. Just what i was thinking....
Thanks a lot !
I have only watched the part 1, but I will play the other parts as soon as possible. I learned several modelling tricks through this video, and I'm sure I will find some more in the other videos.
Very well explained.
kinda old news but always a goodie untill someone brings up some new stuff lol
What the F**** !?
I can't believe ir, I published those "news" over a month ago to the Blendernation website and you refused to publish them, but now you publish them under a different author.
That does it, you will never hear Blender related news from me again.
It is too sad to read some of the destructive comments above.
I appreciate this OLD news because it is new for me, and helpful as well, thanx Allan for posting this.
3 hours to build a house is not bad (at least compared to real life...).
I have just finished watching part 1. It was great and very useful. I learned a lot. I had trouble viewing the video until I watched it from the vimeo site after registering. I can hardly wait to watch parts 2 and 3. Thanks.
You may recall that Tim took over for Bart recently. When he did he did not get all the suggestions for articles that were uploaded earlier. I had to resubmit the article about the Blender Conference in Kingsport, a second time, because it was in this transitionary period. Remember, both Tim and previously Bart are not required to work at this at all. They have done this as a favor to us all.
For those who wanna download videos on youtube and vimeo, the extension of firefox "downloadhelper" does it perfectly (without having to register on vimeo and look for the links)
Thanks Ben for the tip!
It was NEW news for me too
thanks for the news, it just came the right time for me!
and i have actually learnt a lot about architectural modeling workflow within blender.
very good tutorials, thanks for making them! :)
Direct download links please!!! Impossible to load (IE6 on W98)
Thanks for posting this. I learned so much from It.
This is great.
I just finished the first video and I learned a lot.
These videos used to have direct links as avis. Anyone knows if such links still exist?
I agree with ATB, being able to download them would be so helpful.
The site with direct link does not exist anymore. Despite this was a paid hosting plan, there were issues with downloading the files. It was slooooow, the download often broke prematurely and one did not get the complete file. I guess they were designed more for web page presentation rather than downloading huge files. This site kept me busy all the time. There were attempts to put them to other ftp servers but it did failed as well, I guess the volume was too large.
The streaming was one of the reasons why I put it on vimeo...after some experiments with other services.
You can also DOWNLOAD the complete file from there and it works reliably...BUT YOU HAVE TO REGISTER to do that (sorry for that). Then the download button is on the right bottom corner. As far as I know this works quite reliably.
The avi files were about 70MB. I have re-mastered the files in original resolution, and used slightly less compression, and did some more editing - cut the most boring empty time, tried to fix the crappy volume and added the presentation part.
If your bandwidth does not allow you to download the files, let me know, I'd send them the files on DVD.
Nice site you have, I just love this video. Thanks for sharing!