Nimbus is an experimental cloud generator system. Its far from complete and states that its still under development. The interesting thing is the python script for Blender that could make creating cloud shapes with particles more easily.
Quote from website on the script:
Artists broadly define a cloud's shape using overlapping boxes. The Cloud Creator will randomly generate particles within that volume when the "Create Cloud" button is pressed. The randomly generated particles are created within the parameters set in the cluster of buttons at the top of the script: the number of particles, the particle size range, and the particle rotation range.
Find it here.
ooh funky, was looking for something like this for a while. the technique is a little old but with the right base particle textures (look for the ones they used in MS flight sim 2004), some colour modification to try and simulate light scattering and a bit of tweeking you can get some very nice results. it would be nice if some of that extra stuff could be included in the script though ;)
Script cannot be found on server - 404 :(
Great work!
Looks very convincing.
Authors of the system may by interested on this cloud research for real-time rendering (so extremely fast and suitable for animations). Results are almost photo realistic.
The scriptlink is broken. Script can't be found on Server 404 :(
Hello if any one have this .py file please sent me i want to translate this script to Portuguese-BR, and made a tutorial . Please help me i want this py file....
Odd it was there earlier. I'll see what I can find.
Script cannot be found on server - 404 :(
I've tried to find an email contact, but i suppose that it'll be "[email protected]"
Someone have the .py downloaded? It appears inery good.
"inery" = very ;)
This ought to be an excellent addition to the new sun and sky feature.
Awesome for the time being but I think in the end we will need volumetric rendering.
this looks great, really simple looking solution, shame the script is still 404...
really interesting... but why don't add a normal map for a more volumetric effect? just an idea.
I think It should works fine (in real time, for example in some game engines, it's a trick to increase the realism of the smog)
like to play with it...if I had the link ;)...please o there anybody lucky human who has this py script?
did anybody actually download this script before it 404'd ?
This looks promising .. now if only they fixed the download so people could actually snag it and enjoy it!
@JiriH - that link has some good stuff. I think I'll check that out tonight!
i guess it's realy cool!.......
but i never heard about it in news or read it in magazines or news papers....
Hello everybody,
I'm Edmond Ho, the developer of Nimbus. Someone finally tracked me down and alerted me to both the interest in Nimbus (thanks!) and the fact that the link to the Python script was broken. I've fixed the link, so you should be able to download it now. I'm no Python or Blender guru, so the script may be buggy. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
First, I appreciate the fact that you and others like you dedicate their precious time to produce things like this for the Blender community. As a Mac user I more often than not feel disappointed at being left out while windows users reap the benefits as though it was their right. I only hope that your script or plugin gets included in the next Blender release so that I and others like me will have equal access to it. Thanks for your hard work