Need something to do today? How about animate!?
Here is a little information available from the 11 Second Club faq:
What is the 11 Second Club?
The 11 Second Club is a monthly character animation competition. Animators from all over the world participate, animating a character performing a line of dialogue provided by the Club. Throughout the competition, participants can share their progress with each other and critique each others' work. At the end of the month, everyone votes for whose submission they consider the best for that month. The idea is to give animators a chance to practice their skills and build up their reels in a fun, challenging environment.
How does it work?
It's simple:
Step 1)Download this month's audio file Step
Step 2)Animate!
Okay, so maybe it's not that simple. But that's what makes it great practice for animating as you would in a feature film studio. It's a great opportunity to sharpen all of your techniques, from basic mechanics to complex and subtle acting. So, what are you waiting for? You have a short amount of time before this month's competition is over--grab that audio file, and give it your best shot!
This sounds very very familiar.......Wasn't there something like this online before?
Yes! The 10 Second Club was a huge part of the animation community for many years before its demise in the Fall of 2006, due to increased spam and hackers. The 11 Second Club is designed to replace the original 10 Second Club. We've kept all of the structure and rules of the original club, but added extra security features to ensure that this site will be around for quite a while. We've also taken steps to make the voting process more fair and easier to use. If you have any suggestions on how to make the club stronger, please post in the forums and let us know!
Read the whole faq here.
Find the homepage of the 11 Second Club here.
A BlenderArtists thread is available discussing the 11 Second Club.
Sounds really cool! I'll have to enter in one of these some time.
me too
Alright! Having the ten second club leave left a ten second shaped hole in my heart! I'm glad to see somethings back up and running. I was seriously considering making a new version of the site myself. A great resource for the animation community!
Imagine how much more you could animate in that extra second!!!!
Yahooo.. They're back. In a certain way.
Er...I see free character rigs for Max and Maya there, but where's Ludwig and the gang ??
Nice :) But I has gotten used to Animwatch now ;) (Never used 10 second club, so whatever)
It sound great, myabe is a great oportunity to improve skills
Seems a major lack of Blender participation.
It looks like they are gearing up to make a character specific to the site... I wonder if we should try to find a small group that would be willing to mirror that character in Blender...
I love that the site does not depend on a specific rendering tool.
One would use clay and actually win.
Now *that* is a focus on the basics...
I suggest someone sends in the character rigs that have been given away by the blender community...
sad thing it's only quicktime thingy..
the winning clips, and how they want entries submitted.
this will rule out linux users.. :(
@basse: What about and
And there are a few other that I know as well.
yes.. you are right, might be possible afterall.
i tried with ffmpeg, but debian doesn't seem to compile quicktime support to it so i kind of gave up :)
still, doesn't fix the problem with the site, how do you view winner/entries?
i would like to know how to view these as well if anyone figures it out. I used to love the 10 second club.
I think my Linux box needs a hug :(
There does not appear to be any way to view the actual animations.
Hey guys! We've been working on getting the videos viewable on Linux, and I think we've got it... let me know if you still can't view this:
Also, we've changed the upload system so it no longer requires Quicktime, just about any movie file will work now, as long as it's under 5 megs. I'll update the instructions as soon as I get a chance.
We're also revamping the resources page to be easy to update, so there will be a big Blender section there by the end of this week.
Thanks, let me know if there's anything else we can do! :)