In an effort to keep the site spam free I re-queued all the comments in the database into our spamfilter today. It suspected 179 messages to be spam, but they were all genuine (which means the spamfilter was pretty good in the first place!). I did have to approve all of them though and as a result, a few hundred extra notification mails have been sent out. Sorry for that!
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About the Author
Bart Veldhuizen
I have a LONG history with Blender - I wrote some of the earliest Blender tutorials, worked for Not a Number and helped run the crowdfunding campaign that open sourced Blender (the first one on the internet!). I founded BlenderNation in 2006 and have been editing it every single day since then ;-) I also run the Blender Artists forum and I'm Head of Community at Sketchfab.
uh.. sometimes i'd like to moderate (or simply delete a spelling mistake i made) my own comment, like in the topic 'new compositor nodes in developement', in which i go offtopic & frustratingly scream my head off.
when i try to change my message by clicking the pencil icon, wordpress wants me to log in, even though blendernation alway recognizes me, when i log in, wordpress says :Sorry, that user does not seem to exist in our database. Perhaps you have the wrong username or e-mail address?
so i click lost password & again i'm not recognized, THEN i decide to register myself anew & guess what ? :"sorry this user already exists !"
please remove my 2nd & 3rd reply in the new compositernodes topic
thanQ, this is my favourite blendersite
I had some problems with Akismet but I think I figured out why.
It seems that it blocks the comments from dial-up connections (at least from my provider).
The filter didn't seem to "learn" when my messages were marked as good.
I had dialup for a couple of months due to a change to a new ADSL provider, and that was when the problem appeared.
Now it's solved.
I've read somewhere that putting too much links in a single message make the comment to be filtered by Akismet as well.
I've never really seen any spam on this website before. I assumed that a filter was already in place...
@Alden, yeah, we're using Akismet to filter the spam - we get between 500 and 1,000 spam comments a day but occaisionally one will still slip through.
@qedqubit: See the little pencil icon near your name? Click on it too edit......
haha, not.. That should be fixed........
that is good to hear it is working well, must be a pain in the ... though
The pencil icon is probably a moderator-admin only tool to be able to quickly edit a comment.
hehe, yeah, posted, then noticed, its admin only
This it's not SPAM! :-P
Goofster is right - the icon is only supposed to be there for admins; I suspect it's a caching thing. It's on the todo list!