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New Game Engine Custom Cursor Script with Tutorial


custcurs-centered.jpgHere's a great script and tutorial, created by "blendenzo" for Blender's Game Engine, showing you how to easily create a custom mouse cursor for your game projects.

This can be used for creating your own custom 2D cursors AND, there's nothing stopping you from using a 3D model as a mouse cursor!

Here's a small demo .blend file showing the results.

You can check out the tutorial, here.

Also, be sure to check out blendenzo's website for other goodies!


  1. Didn't need it yet, but it's good to know such a nice starter thread/example/tutorial exists :)


    PS: Am I the only one who finds the (rest of the) thread name "... 100% accurate, 100% of the time" kinda amusing? ;) I know there is probably a history/story behind this but nevertheless funny :)

  2. The game engine can most certainly be used for an interactive walkthrough: I am currently in the process of making a huge one. If you are interested, e-mail me and I can send you a copy.

  3. Wow! I got featured on BlenderNation? I feel famous.

    Werner, the story behind the thread title is a bit interesting. We who use the Game Engine have had custom cursor solutions in the past, but they were difficult to work with and inaccurate. This solution is the first I know of which actually translates the mouse position to a real 3D coordinate. Like I said in the thread on blenderartists, I was feeling a bit cocky when I wrote the title, so I may have overdone it. I used the Rasterizer to check the accuracy, and it's probably closer to 99% accurate, 99% of the time.

  4. elitewolverine on

    this was a great find, i was working with this tut/file at 5am so i had a few noob mistakes like the camera in the overlay scenes start clip setting, but other than that...

    this is the best best way to make a custom cursor for a ingame menu setup or anything for that matter

    thanks a ton and to be honest i wouldnt have thought it would be that simple

  5. Great info!! Thank you so much. I've been having difficulties with other methods.
    blendenzo, You obviously have great insight on the program as well as the ge.
    Your site is fantastic. However, your contact link is disabled?


    Noob striding to Pro

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