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Sculpt Mode Tutorial


owl-web-allstages.jpgMore a look at technique rather than a tutorial persay, but a very fine example of what is possible with sculpt mode. And how even the simplest scene can benefit.

The biggest benefit is the sharing of the experience and of how RobertT actually accomplished the look of the feathers and tree.

Check out the blenderartist thread here.


  1. Blender really keeps surprising me every day.. before today, i never tried sculpt mode, but when i saw this tutorial i thought.. Well, i´ll give it a shot.. I was amazed by this powerfoul tool. Ever wanted to create a desert scenario? Just grab a plane, subdivide it, a work it in sculpt mode for 3 min.. And your desert is ready. Thanks for everything Blender team.

  2. To made a desert is another great tool :) but sculp mode is really great I use it since RC3 was realised and I love it this is the greatest tool that we can find in blender. I'm sure that in the future we will see sculp as good as ZBrush. :D

    If I made some orts sorry . I'm from Poland and i don't see mistakes. :P

  3. Nice, this was very needed.
    But I notice that the GSoC sky simulator will not be in. Why?
    Sometimes I feel that some decisions are not well "explained"...

    Other than that, great work, as usual.

  4. Well, i guess it's nice to have (haven't had a look at it myself), but where's the big difference between this and proportional edit? I think i'm missing something, right?

  5. Daniel - try it and you'll see (it's most useful if you have a pressure-sensitive tablet). It's such a fast and intuitive work-flow it's not even a comparison to Prop. Mode. You no longer have to select vertices, move them, adjust the selection again, subdivide, select again, move again... you just *push*.

    With Sculpt Mode it's not about pushing vertices any more - it's truly like sculpting - only more powerful and you don't have to wash up after :-)

  6. Sculpt mode users should have only ONE 3D viewport active in Blender to efficiently sculpt. I usually have three 3D viewports open, and Sculpt mode was running horribly slow, but now I know why! Duh! Blender was redrawing the mesh three times. Hope this helps someone. :)

  7. Nice image and really like the way RobertT explained his workflow. Thanks RobertT.


    Did you know ...?

    ..... that pressing PAGE_UP and PAGE_DOWN key while in sculpt mode increases/decreases the multi resolution mesh level.

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