... time to take a break and go on vacation. No, it's not about me being an alcoholic under stress, it's simpy the Big and Ugly Rendering Project team informing us that all the testing sessions and related services (support, website, etc.) are going to be put on idle for a little amount of time.
It isn't laziness, in fact the development of this "publicly distributed system for rendering 3D animations" was very active lately and to keep up the good work some important tasks have to be accomplished before going on with public tests, so here's what is going to happen starting from the 1st of July till the middle of September:
- Create the longterm storage manager program and activate it
- Rewrite the Blender wrapper to include new ideas from the BOINC example wrapper
- Update patches for Blender to work with v. 2.42
- Completely relocate the main server infrastructure and components to a new hosting facility
- Merge the improved forum code with the mainstream BOINC CVS so that other projects may enjoy the benefits of it.
Probably these changes will bring BURP out of the actual pre-alpha stage, so be ready to start testing again when you get back from your holidays.
Puuufff! Oh sorry... I eat beans.
Great news!!
I'm have some projects right now.
"Bad and Ugly Rendering Project"
I think its supposed to say Big and Ugly Rendering Project" :)
Hope that after the break it get's at least 'pre-beta'?
Paul is right. Better check the text of the first link, lox ;)
Ha! That is funny... I edited it to correct the mistake.
MWHAHAHAHAHA, sorry, it was spelled that way where I've found the link to the site :-D
TODO: check the title on the site header when liking ;-)
Darn, link doesn't work
There was an advice on their site which said that it could go down during this period
Ineresting. Is this like P2P for rendering?
Like using available power on other people's computers through the internet in order to render?
Sounds awesome!!!
I love distributed rendering. I'think theres so much potential behind this idea.
Faster rendering due to a huge community sharing their computing times. My computer runs many nights without having to do anything, so this project is exactly what my computer needs so he doesn't get tired during the nights :)
I had my computer on this program, though it has recently blown something in the motherboard and needs to be replaced. As soon as I do, I wonder if BURP will be up and running again.
Hmm, links don't work.
I have clocked up 7,000 points on the rosetta project... So i am pretty new.
I think this is an awesome idea... I cant wait to start on BURP. There are 3 computers in this house that are on for long periods of times either doing bugger all or accasionaly doing bugger all :P
Should be interesting.