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Tutorial: Lip-Syncing With Shape Keys


jawmove.pngAndyD wrote a very nice tutorial on the Wiki showing how to use Shape Keys and the Timeline Window to use as lip-sync tools. This is a rare treat since this topic isn't covered a lot. What's really novel about the technique is that you don't need any external tools to help. All you need is Blender.

From the wiki:

Here I will attempt to explain my recent dealings with using Blender Shape Keys to produce convincing lip-sync (Lip-synchronisation, ie: "speech") for simple, humanoid characters. This is aimed at people with an understanding of Blender fundamentals like vertex loops, face loops, sequencer and of course, Blender's new Shape Key system. If these terms mean nothing to you, then you may well struggle to keep up. If you're familiar with them then I hope this tutorial will prove to be a breeze and your characters will be speaking so fluently you'll have trouble shutting them up!

Definitely a must read for character animators!

About the Author


Just a guy really into 3D, especially where Blender is concerned.


  1. Thanks Andy! And a special thanks for including User Requirements in your intro. That goes a long way toward minimizing questions and complaints.

  2. theblenderboy on

    great! must be a follow-up of his shape key tut on blenderartists.

    new beatles song: "All you need is Blender"

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