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Weekend Contest: #JeSuisCharlie


Artists all around the world are making themselves heard after the terrible shooting at Charlie Hebdo in Paris earlier this week. As a tribute, I'd like to dedicate the weekend contest theme to it as well.

  • Post your work below (attach an image and a screenshot if you like).
  • Post only new work, not existing.
  • Vote for your winner by Monday.
  • Be sure you’re logged in to Disqus when voting, anonymous votes will be discarded!
  • The winner will get a post next week, and will get to pick next weekend’s contest theme. Have fun!

(Image: #jesuisCharlie by Paradox Wyw)

About the Author

Avatar image for Bart Veldhuizen
Bart Veldhuizen

I have a LONG history with Blender - I wrote some of the earliest Blender tutorials, worked for Not a Number and helped run the crowdfunding campaign that open sourced Blender (the first one on the internet!). I founded BlenderNation in 2006 and have been editing it every single day since then ;-) I also run the Blender Artists forum and I'm Head of Community at Sketchfab.


  1. I started making the last night as a header image before seeing this post. I wanted to include all the cartoonist’s tools of the trade.

    Little Sketch, Mighty Words: #JeSuisCharlie

  2. Ce ne sont pas des épées (These are not swords)

    Perhaps a double meaning: exercising the freedom of speech should not be seen as a crime, but it shouldn't be used as a weapon either. #JeSuisCharlie #NousSommesCharlie

    • In France, this drawing would not be considered as defending freedom of expression, in this realm of ideas, it is forbidden to forbid. But freedom gives you the right to treat this drawing as a weapon.

      • Oh gosh, that is not what I was going for. My first
        intention was to show that Charlie Hebdo was justified in their satire because “words
        are not swords”; ie. The extremists had reacted as if they had been physically
        assaulted even though the drawings had been just that: drawings. The image is
        based off of René Magritte’s La trahison
        des images, and in this sense it also lays claim that freedom of expression
        is a weapon, or at least it has the ability to act as a weapon if you so choose
        (which I think is your stance, maybe?). I guess your reaction helps to demonstrate
        the subjectivity of everything we say or do. My interpretation of this image is
        that it supports freedom of expression, although I see how it could easily
        support the contrary. It appears that I put way too much thought into this,
        haha. I’m sorry for any confusion I may have caused.

        • You just described the problem between the shade of a comment and the shock of one image. The problem is located there. Thanks for the precision.

      • "In the field of ideas it is forbidden to forbid."

        Hmm...I'm not sure if that logic stands as universally as you stated it. I won't relate my reply here to the Je suis Charlie topic, so I just want to speak objectively. Just dealing squarely with pure logic here.

        I think that statement is generally true, but not true in the absolute tone in which you stated it. Logically-speaking, even in a free society with free speech, certain speech is socially forbidden. Every freedom has its natural bounds.

        For instance, if someone started publicly writing graphically-demented fantasies involving your wife, or if some seeming stranger started to talk with your child online, you'd immediately stand with a sense that a forbidden (potentially illegal, even) idea has been promoted.

        If I were to write a bunch of racist, sexist or otherwise discriminatory rhetoric about people in a general publication, I could be sued by such people in the court of law, and most likely would lose the case. Why? Simple. Even in context to the freedom of speech, there exists anti-discriminatory laws. Free society still places limits.

        An absolutely true freedom of speech would account no level of speech as a crime--but naturally, we do not feature such an absolute freedom. Even within the freedom of speech, there's a line with most people in society. A line of common sense, perhaps, but still, a line nonetheless.

        Of course, that's the intrinsic balancing act with the freedom of speech. It's a principle that, if you take it most literally, it's ultimately a catch-22. Of course, it's also much better than the alternative: no freedom of speech.

        So, the freedom becomes relative...which is where the question begins: What is the freedom of speech? Such freedom is humanity's constant question. Though, for what it's worth, I'd say the question worth our efforts in answering.

        I just wanted to address this, because I think that quote is a bit challenging. Someone can take the notion and run with it, without weighing it responsibly. What we say today can affect others tomorrow. For better or for worse.

        This is the only reason why I would say that "In the field of ideas, it is forbidden to forbid" would not stand as factually true. It's relatively true, and I would emphasize it as such. We have the freedom of speech, but we also have a responsibility for how we define such freedom.

        • Charlie Hebdo, it is the disrespect, the freedom of expression, freedom of the press, the freedom to criticize religion, the freedom of having no religion. Simply Freedom, freedom of caricature and today it seems we have a big job in France to make this rules understandable. But I also agree with you for the rest.

  3. OK, I cheated on this one: 3D - Model “Pencil" by ibworlds, 3D - Model "Submachine gun M24 R" by DennisH2010 from blendswap were used...

  4. Henri Hebeisen on

    Here is my entry for the contest ! Thanks Bart for giving Blender artists the opportunity to express themself about this tragedy.

    I started this image tonight after seeing all the demonstration that happened today all around the world : solidarity and unity are good values to fight terror, and I'm really glad that people stood together today to say that they are ready to defend freedom of speech! Let's hope that it will last for the next days...

    Cheers !

  5. Dont know if its to late but heres my entry, i also designed this as a header image and wanted to make something simplistic yet meaningfull.


    • Alexander Sawadsky on

      Could anybody admiring free speech be tolerant enough to say: "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do"?

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