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Mastodon "Sleeping Giant" - Music Video Made With Blender


Robert Schober, whom we know from 'Dear Valentine' and 'Machines', has produced a new video for Mastodon.

About the Author

Avatar image for Bart Veldhuizen
Bart Veldhuizen

I have a LONG history with Blender - I wrote some of the earliest Blender tutorials, worked for Not a Number and helped run the crowdfunding campaign that open sourced Blender (the first one on the internet!). I founded BlenderNation in 2006 and have been editing it every single day since then ;-) I also run the Blender Artists forum and I'm Head of Community at Sketchfab.


  1. BlenderLovingSquirrel2 on

    @ slurp - I think that was intentional to look like a late 70's Sci fi style

    I think it's great not just because it's in blender - yeah the CG is seemless with the live video

  2. Awesome vid..... feelin all good inside about Blender now.... *aaaaah*....

    Loving the use of fluids there for smoke rising and the like. Good stuff.

  3. Bart and guys at blendernation, feel free to remove comments like the one above.

    The community is not represented by people like this, keep up the good work

  4. about that Microsoft discussion and "Barts Blender World"

    well, it would be interesting to hear the opinion of those who actually are in charge and will deal or not deal with Microsoft. It's pointless to discuss about hating or cooperating when nobody in charge says in the end "we do it because..."

    I am disappointed because I've not found a post of Bart that shows what he thinks, he just told people to behave or telling them to shut up.

    All in all the best comment about this issue was the one of David Weese in the end. People should have a look at it to see how good argumenting can be done.

  5. i guess if the comments are closed on the previous article maybe the article should be removed too...
    and this post to...

  6. Great video!! You can see that he was impressed by the nuclear bomb explosion tutorial ;) The clouds in the beginning seem to use the same technique ^^


    Please excuse me this personal note, Bart, I don't think you should ban users and close topics/comments. Gives BN rather bad vibrations if you know what I mean.
    It should not be new to you that there quite a lot of kids using Blender.

    And people, there's a good reason for the devs and the other people in charge to not comment on this topic: they're cool


  7. This will be a huge offtopic...but I want to say something, that came to my mind after those flaming comments and some opninions (that there is dictatorship in this site and bla bla bla...) in recent posts:


    In reality this page is like fuel for blender, cause it makes a sense that everything in blender is not dead and thank you for that and your entusiasm...!!!!!!!...and don't be too much sad that there is huge amount of people who just want to show their narrow minded thoughts...

    SO...GOOD LUCK!!!

  8. am I the only one to think that this wasn't created in blender?

    p.s. and also a lot of grown up people use blender too, with opinions that may look childish to some...
    and as Ziggy Stardust would say
    let the children lose it,let the children use it,let all the children boogie

  9. it is ridiculous to post a link to an "interesting" (what a statement!) document about MS cooperation, adding a picture of a rotten MS logo, then close a discussion down where people say bad things about MS,
    making a big poster about disappointment while at the same time not saying what exactly he is disappointed about , and then closing this thread too because people want to state their opinion, blaming people for further stating reactions after provoking reactions with a big disappointment poster.

    to cite Bart:
    "are you saying that we shouldn't post this because people might react negatively? I don't think that's how we like to work."

    Well, why then closing threads down? How do "we" actually like to work, and who is "we"?
    Either you work with that thing and discuss with people or you don't say a thing and stay in the background, but don't close threads down and hang up childish disappointment posters, then locking yourself in your room without saying anything constructive.

  10. Its kinda funny how the previous article's comments have bled into this article.

    Nice video, the creatures in that little sandbox were rad.

  11. I like the smoke effect in this video. It reminded me of some of the effects in the movie "Barbarella." Machines is still my favorite of the three however.

  12. Very cool style indeed! But I think the music don't fit well.

    Theres Good days and Bad days.
    That said. I want to say that Blender Nation is the Feed that I most read every day, so keep it Up Bart and all the other guys. Thanks for your hard work. :)

  13. It's all about HOW you talk to eachother. This site is bart's project if he doesn't want a flamewar in the comments then that's the end of that. That's how it works, the ones that invest the most and work the hardest get to say what goes and what doesn't. So if you want to lead a discussion here you express yourself in a reasonable manner. -_-' But since it is too late for that now, we all just shut the fuck up.

  14. Guardian 452 on

    Love the video...great effects!

    I have one sort-of off-topic question. At the 1:51 mark on the video (give or take...and it seems to count backwards) the gun/scanner thing the guy's it actually a model of the Seaview from "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea"?

    I really enjoyed the video...great work!

  15. I have to say, there is potential in this video. They should have implemented more shadows to the main environment. Looks to flat.

    The "small" environment that was from the converted person was actually well done.

    Still more work in the shadows.

  16. Didn't particularly like the music or the video, but I thought the video was alright for low level FX (there is an icosphere in there for God's sake). Don't think these people had a hell of a lot of money or time to work with.

    About this video- if it loads too slow try Youtube-

    @bluelife- I don't think it could have been done with anything other than Blender. Can't really think of an app with a renderer that look like that. If you look at the spaceship it just scales or rotates. The most difficult part would have been the creatures, but they have very simple animation. I personally would just buy the video of smoke from a commercial FX website. I think the smoke effects were probably looped, scaled, flipped etc. like a dozen times anyway.

    @Len- this thread has not been hijacked. 'He who shall not be named' closed the previous thread, so...of course everybody is going to comment here. The previous thread should just have run its course.

    @BlenderLovingSquirrel2- Loved the comments in the previous thread. Spot on!

  17. Schober's video is a nice technology demo for Blender. I enjoyed watching it.

    @Bart - I respectfully would suggest that it would be healthier to let the previous threads run their course. Otherwise you will see that same subject leak into every thread for the forseeable future. I say that as an Open Source Linux lovin' Blenderhead. I respect your forum and I'm not flaming here. Open Source people are big on free speech. It has been demonstrated on Digg during the AACS Uprising what can happen when you silence comments and opinions. I wouldn't want to see such a thing here, and so I would encourage you to allow people to express thier concerns in the appropriate thread.

    People feal passionately about Blender. Ton grew this little program against all odds, freed it from a bankrupt company, and built it into a commercial grade application with this community. People are raising their voices because they honestly want to safeguard Blender against the tactics we've seen from The Big Convicted Monopolist Company.

    Thank you.

  18. *it might be off topic or am i high jacking...but that ms debate...woowww!!!!
    well now it is something else that we have to move on to:like the 2.46 official release...and what goes on between blender and mkh...
    *i like blender spirit....and things with the same spirit too like gimp... inkscape...a little bit of audacity because it distords sound when changing openoffice...
    *greetings from thirdworld...but beware we're moving towards globalisation too!!!!

  19. Great job, and well realised.
    I will devellop my crits under for Robert Schober:
    Scenario = ok > concept is good and work well , with the musique it's for me the 2 best point of your movies.
    3D insert are well done, and the amount of 3D model is pretty. Rendering sometimes appear a bit plastic and without very cutted with the realism of the movie background. But all of this last crits are ok cause they can be artistic choice about how look the movie. My last crits is the most important for me, is about the poorness of composition and view angle of some shot, not all but some of them, flat without perspective and some symetrical.
    Sorry if it look as a hard crits, cause I really appreciated but I only want to give my real point of view and see other good & even best work from you.

  20. I'm really sick of all these off-topic comments. Either comment on the video here or don't comment at all!! :(

    Regarding the video, that was awesome! It brought old episodes of Doctor Who to mind! And tell us how you did the billowing smoke clouds at the beginning! :)

  21. I agree with Roofoo. Keep the comments on track...

    The video is pretty cool, irts nice to see blender getting used more and more for these type of things. I especially like the multicoloured 'grungy' graphics and smoke etc! Though the guys are a little freaky...

    Peace out!

  22. Fantastic video!

    Excellent visual style.

    I love that cheesy 1970s sci-fi look and how it works with the visual story.

  23. Regarding the smoke effects, I suspect those aren't CG at all. The Blender fluid simulator doesn't do that. What I think was done was that colored liquid was poured into water and filmed upside down, which is a common old-school method for getting that effect. Then the live action and Blender stuff was composited. I could be wrong, but I can't think of any other way to get that effect without a much more powerful fluid simulator.

    All in all, great work.

  24. Good stuff for CGTalk Uplift Universe. At the beginning I though uhhh have something from the first Heavy Metal Film. The deskenviroment and humanoid aliens take it to Pet Shop Boys, but hey why not! IMHO: Did not like this cubic desk. But for that, the music let bang my head against the screen!

  25. Hey Bart, this is the one site I make sure I visit everyday (I do have a life, it's just it just happens offline). Keep up the great work. n

  26. ...ther meaning behind it all is very...."wtf were they smoking" but the tunes are pretty sw33t...blender = clay!!! lol

  27. I thought the video was great. Like a lot of others have said, nice retro look. Does anyone know if blender was also used for the compositing?

  28. Clinton Edminster on

    the clouds aren't cg. I did something like this myself with half-n-half (or something else) in water. They have done a rather excellent job compositing it all together. I really really like it. Very clean, retro, and organic! Good job...

  29. rpgsimmaster on

    Heh, I didn't even watch the video - the still it showed made me cringe in anti-nostalgia :P (Aliens with poor fashion sense, anyone?)

  30. Nice graphics and I agree with BlenderLovingSquirrel2 about that its hard to see what part is cg and what is real, or maybe its just the small resolution that makes it hard to see whats going on.
    + Graphics, pretty good song
    - Nude bald dudes

  31. Hi Blender Community,

    I saw this post and thought I would address a couple of people's comments because there seem to be some questions about what was actually done in blender and why things look the way they do...

    First off, the video is inspired by the look of midnite movies like jodorowsky's 'the holy mountain' and the now cheap-looking set design and mattes of 70's era sci-fi like logan's run, the man who fell to earth, and barbarella. yes, the spaceship does at times only consist of a still being scaled up or moved across the screen...i got the idea from '2001' where the pan am clipper is approaching the space station.

    @cristo... definitely no fluid sim here, sorry. it's flourescent egg dye and cream poured into a 10 gallon fish tank filled with cold water. i intended to produce all my effects in camera or through stop motion, but time didn't permit. this is why i turned to blender for the ship model, the probe, and the dinosaurs and creatures..the dino models were free models in an issue of 3d world that were licensed for commercial use. they were modified to have a more clayamation look and i put really simple rigs in the heads and tails. i did make the horseshoe crab looking thing with tentacles though. if anyone wants to play around with it, i'll be happy to share files.'s blender, hit me up for the files. if you mean the compositing or lasers and stuff, that's all in after effects..

    @grzesiek... the lighting is deliberately flat. to sell the costumes and props as being early 70's and not just cheap, we tried to light the sets flat and then in telecine, the colorist was given stills from logan's run as reference for the muted flat technicolor palette i wanted.

    @david revoy... thanks for the comments. i agree there are lots of weak compositions in the video. i had to resist the urge to fix the lights and frame up shots in more interesting ways, because i think the key to selling a period look is to embrace all of the flaws that come with this case, flat lights, flat shots, awkward shots, gold lame robes, model railroad grass, plastic silverware trays for wall panels, bald caps barely concealed around the seams with caked on stage makeup, etc...

    @gaurdian452... yes, the scanner is a kitbashed (in the most liberal sense of the word) model of the Seaview submarine.

    While this post is still fresh and being looked at, i'd like to reach out to any Blender users in the LA area with a professional background in 3D animation. As many of you may have noticed, I suck at rigging, can't figure out UV mapping, and am very bad at walkcycles, etc. I have some really cool videos in the works and would love to hire or collaborate with professional blender users! [email protected]

  32. Very cool video! Some great ideas. I like the style, like "Flash Gordon" movie. It doesn't matter what software was used, it's the idea that counts.
    You know how the SFX were made in the old times? This was ART. Try the good old "Children of the corn" horror movie.
    We Blender geeks almost forget it. Sometimes I think how to make some interesting sky, or grass or clouds. I just sit and look in my screen, instead of just looking around. There are so many ways SFX can be done, and CG is only one of them!

    Great job Robert, keep it up!

  33. Very nice Robert! The CG looked very well done in my eyes, fit in nicely.
    The whole video though was a bit...weird though, not a bad thing (the Beatles "I am the Walrus" was really weird too)

    The Microsoft war - that's how nearly all corporations work, evil == yes, gonna get away from it == no. No sense in flaming about it, never solved anything.

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